Commissioner Bishop Mary Nkosi is one person who did not approve of most decisions made by the electoral commission she was sitting on. In fact, at her own admission, she feels very embarrassed at the manner last year’s elections were held.
And thoughts of resigning have been tormenting her mind. She has been asking legal minds on this avenue, but was slowed down in fear of losing her motor vehicle and other terminal benefits of being a commissioner. She would think, at many times, of resigning but the thoughts of giving away that opulent cruiser couldn’t let her give in.
She said she thinks MEC didn’t do a good job, and in fact it does appear she was not party to most decisions effected by the commission.
You would ask whether she was raising her reservations at such decisions, but she confessed she wasn’t.
she said she was placed at an akward situation, because she was put in the commission by MCP.
So while she was not happy with how elections were managed, she couldn’t pull out because the comfort zone was just too entincing and too comfortable.
Her prayer is that parliament should honorably dissolve the commission, and give her the gratuity and terminal benefits for sitting in the commission only to be saying nothing.
And in the end, she rates the performance of the commission she feels very embarrassed of 7 out of 10. Those of us with the Malawi Polytechnic background know what 70 percent signals. You don’t feel emberrassed with 7 out 10 score, this is a score of distinction.
Lastly, it was good parley didn’t inform our beloved bishop she was on live on radio station.
My take: Should the able Parliament, notwithstanding the fact that they were made into parliament by this very commission, in their assessment find the commission wanting, the commissioners should be fired with no benefits whatsover. That’s the only way they will learn the hard way you don’t sacrifice your conscience for a free vehicle and monetary benefits
these people are partisans hence they pick sides. secondly from the surname itself you can easily tell where she is from, and these people hate dpp so much and they have grabbed an opportunity to punish the innocent party only because of quarter system the same way mtambo, madise and kamanga did. to be honest there is no fairness whatsoever these people are managing themselves: there was no proof of rigging and they found their basis for nullification in things that affected the whole process. if we talk of tippex all the mps and councellors were not spared, so does it mean mec too was trying to favour all the winning teams. this is rigging and the judgement was an act of revenge not justice. be reminded that quarter system was first introduced by kamuzu and it was even worse because every teacher was forced to go to their respective regions to teach. quarter system was only fully applied in muluzi’s era which saw 95% of university selection taken from the north and only 5% from the centre and the south and during that period there were only very little numbers selected compared to this time around. in jb era quarter was there even though people failed to notice it. quarter will be abolished only and only when the predency goes to the north and this is the fact. chilima was lying to you that he would abolish it once elected because once elected he would want to be re-elected and he would want to be loved by all the districts and quarter would have affected his votes the same way jb was punished. apm won the elections and there is no proof that he manipulated the results to be declared the winner. the things the tumbuka judges described as aftected the polls are a mere gimick and dpp didn’t apply them to rig. if we are still going by that revengeful judgement the parliament listening to these commisioner is an illigal one not worthy carrying out business hence has to be resolved to pave way for a new fresh and legal parliament to restart the whole business. lets consider having a senate to deliberate any rigging querries rather than the judiciary which is full of vengeance blood.
these people are partisans hence they pick sides. secondly from the surname itself you can easily tell where she is from, and these people hate dpp so much and they have grabbed an opportunity to punish the innocent party only because of quarter system the same way mtambo, madise and kamanga did. to be honest there is no fairness whatsoever these people are managing themselves: there was no proof of rigging and they found their basis for nullification in things that affected the whole process. if we talk of tippex all the mps and councellors were not spared, so does it mean mec too was trying to favour all the winning teams. this is rigging and the judgement was an act of revenge not justice. be reminded that quarter system was first introduced by kamuzu and it was even worse because every teacher was forced to go to their respective regions to teach. quarter system was only not applied in muluzi’s era which saw 95% of university selection taken from the north and only 5% from the centre and the south and during that period there were only very little numbers selected compared to this time around. in jb era quarter was there even though people failed to notice it. quarter will be abolished only and only when the presidency goes to the north and this is the fact. chilima was lying to you that he would abolish it once elected because once elected he would want to be re-elected and he would want to be loved by all the districts and quarter would have affected his votes the same way jb was punished. apm won the elections and there is no proof that he manipulated the results to be declared the winner. the things the tumbuka judges described as aftected the polls are a mere gimick and dpp didn’t apply them to rig. if we are still going by that revengeful judgement the parliament listening to these commissioners is an illigal one not worthy carrying out business hence has to be resolved to pave way for a new fresh and legal parliament to restart the whole business. lets consider having a senate to deliberate any rigging querries rather than the judiciary which is full of vengeance blood.