The Presidential Elections Judgement delivered on Monday 3rd February, has come under serious scrutiny after it have been revealed that the actual judgement may have not been written by the 5 Judges that were presiding over the case.
These serious allegations have involved two senior judges in the Supreme Court of Appeal and private practice lawyer.
According to information coming from the Judiciary circles, that the two senior judges and the private lawyer may have met on several occasions allegedly coming up with the judgement that sources say may have been the one delivered by the Constitutiona Court in Lilongwe.
It is has been disclosed that the written judgement may have allegedly been handed over to one of the 5 judges using the private practice lawyer.
The judge on the panel is is alleged to have inserted the Judgement into the main document of the Judgement that was eventually delivered by the panel.
The judge used in the mission is alleged to be a direct cousin of the first petitioner Saulos Chilima’s wife, Mary.
Although the two are reported to be related, the judge never recused himself from presiding over the case.
These revelations have come from one of the 5 judges who says that since delivery of he judgement, his mind has not been at peace.
It is alleged that at least 3 of the Judges on the panel were not pleased with the Judgement but they couldn’t do anything.
The High Court sitting as a Constitution Court was presided over by Justice Healey Potani, Redson Kapindu, Mike Tembo, Ivy Kamanga and Dingiswayo Madise.
We have been unable to get any comment from the Judiciary.
Mbuzi za anthu zin izi caring themselves judges embezzling government money.
Mbuzi za anthu zina izi calling themselves judges embezzling government money.
Doesn’t make sense! Revisit your ideas. Shame!
Fuck off these are all lies ,we trust u our Judges not this cunt trying to defame our judge. NONSENSE
Really wonders shall never end.
people people where were you all these days media people water is already on the floor you can’t return it oooooohh