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Govt Gives Strong Lecture To Misguided Quota Must Fall Movement On Quota System Abolition


For Immediate Release 06th March, 2020


Government would like to condemn in the strongest possible terms the careless press release issued by the so called Quota Must Fall Movement (QMFM) on 04th March, 2020.


On Thursday. 27th February, 2020, Government through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. announced abolition of quota system at tertiary level of education with immediate effect.

Government clarified that this policy change among others, was a result of wide consultative processes that the Government of Malawi, through the Ministry took with key stakeholders in the education sector. In addition, the abolition of quota system follows several developments that will ensure more student space in tertiary institutions than before.

Government undertook this decision in good faith and in close consultation with many stakeholders including the Church and Society of the Livingstonia Synod of the CCAP that was a partner throughout the whole process and gave their nod to the decision.

It is worth pointing out that when we started this journey, the QMFM was part of the team but it was noticed that during discussions they did not have constructive ideas. There was strong expression of regionalism unlike the Church and Society of the Livingstonia Synod of the CCAP.

The Church and Society of the Livingstonia Synod, were committed to good and honest discussions and negotiations in order to reach a common ground for the benefit of all Malawians and not just one region. The QMFM was selfishly focusing on itself for personal glory.

This is why they vowed to chase students from the Central and Southern regions learning in schools that are in the North. The understanding of QMFM is that national boarding schools that are in the North are for students of the North and at the same time they questioned why students from the North are not in national boarding schools that are in the Central and Southern regions.

This kind of thinking is not in the interest of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, which serves the whole nation and promoting integration.

With such unprofessional and immature approach to issues, Government decided to pay more attention to the proposals from other stakeholders including the Church and Society of the Livingstonia Synod.


The QMFM in their statement stated that the Ministry uses District Cut-Off points where students from each district attain up to a certain number of points for them to be selected for secondary and tertiary education. This is another classic example of hearsays on their part.

It is an outright falsehood and lie that such a system exists. They seem not to know what they are fighting for. The statement that was released by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology clearly stated that Quota System has been phased out at tertiary level. This means that Quota system was being used to select students into public universities and colleges.

The discussion which the Ministry of Education and the so called QMFM was about transition from primary to secondary school. We clearly told the nation and QMFM that selection at this level never used quota system but was purely based on merit.

The statement, which QMFM has recently released has exposed their ignorance of basic education systems, procedures and practices. They are unable to differentiate the two transition levels.

What we discussed with them was the transition from primary to secondary and not from secondary to university. We therefore expected them to congratulate Government for abolishing quota system at tertiary level.

We need to appreciate as a country that quota system was introduced for a very good reason and it is being practiced in many countries across the world. Quota system ensures equitable distribution of public services to communities that are not at par economically and socially performing.


The QMFM in their statement states that MoEST has shown utter arrogance by not responding to their communication and avoided meeting with them but chose to meet other people, which they have classified as mercenaries. This speaks volumes as far as their agenda is concerned.

This is an unbelievable statement full of contempt, insolence and disrespect for the Livingstonia Synod of the CCAP that was a key partner in all the discussions.

To call the Livingstonia Synod ‘mercenaries’ is going beyond any imaginable acceptable standards of settling differences. During all the discussions, the Ministry found the Livingstonia Synod constructive and we are shocked by this inference from the QMFM and in this regard we would like therefore to call for an unequivocal apology from the QMFM.

Government was working with the CCAP Livingstonia Synod through the Church and Society, knowing very well that, the Church is our partner in as far as education is concerned. The Synod has schools all over which are complementing Government effort to educate the youth in Malawi.


Assertions by the QMFM that since the decision to abolish Quota System was not legislated then it means that it is not valid are based on ignorance and lack of appreciation of how government policies are drawn and implemented.

Abolition of Quota System did nor and does not require an Act of Parliament or anything close to that.

Government policies come and go in so many ways including executive orders, policy decisions, policy pronouncements, etc. And these can be verbal or written. If it was legislated before, we would have revoked it before making the pronouncement.

As previously stated, Government would like to advise the QMFM that the policy shift was a product of a long process of consultation and research taken by the Government. Further, Government would like to remind QMFM that Quota System was a national policy and not a regional policy.


As previously stated, Government would like to reiterate that its target is to ensure that every Standard 8 learner who passes primary school national examination is able to transit straight to secondary school without being subjected to selection.Selection to these secondary schools will continue to be on merit.

However, we will continue to take affirmative action to ensure that girls and learners with disabilities including albinos are accorded the opportunity to access quality education as wen.

Government will continue supporting these vulnerable groups regardless of QMFM assertion in our first meeting that wanted us to give a blind eye to these people.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will ensure that this policy is adhered to. Selection to National Boarding Secondary Schools will no longer consider proximity and economic factor.

This policy will help us build one Malawi that does not focus on region or district of origin and that education resources benefit all Malawian children. We would like to invite QMFM to broaden their scope so that they focus on national issues and not just regional issues.

In conclusion, Government would like to assure all Malawians that it will continue implementing policies that are of benefit to al’ learners in the country regardless of their district or region of origin.

Government will continue with its interventions aimed at promoting quality education. The interventions include:

Construction of school infrastructure at all levels:

Supply of school materials including textbooks and desks;

Provision of continuing professional development;

Regular inspection of schools;

Recruitment of teachers; and

Promotion of teachers.

We believe that the statement by QMFM is a negative way of commending Government for the job well done. We will continue schooling QMFM on these policies until one day, the movement understands just like the nation at large is celebrating for this policy change.

Finally, the Ministry would like to commend all stakeholders including the Church and Society of the Livingstonia Synod of the CCAP for the professionalism, commitment and dedication that they showcased during all the negotiations that among other issues led to the abolition of quota system of selecting students for university education.

In this regard, we call upon the QMFM to ensure that schools are not disturbed by unwarranted vigils. QMFM should appreciate that the more they disturb schools the more likely students will not perform well in their examinations.

We invite QMFM to engage the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology if they have other matters to be looked into.

Justin Adack K. Saidi



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