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Mutharika Rejects Electoral Bills

Kalilani addressing members of the press in Blantyre

Malawi President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has withheld assenting to the electoral bills parliament passed in February.

President Mutharika’s Spokesperson, Mgeme Kalilani confirmed the development during a press briefing held on Tuesday in Blantyre.  He said the bills are unconstitutional.

The constitution of the republic of Malawi under section 73 states that the president has the powers to assent or withhold assent to a bill.

The President has also refused a proposal by Public Appointment Committee of Parliament (PAC) to fire Malawi Electoral Commission Commissioners for alleged incompetence.

PAC’s findings are questionable – Kalilani

“PAC’s findings are questionable. Apparently, the MEC Commissioners had the competence and capacity to manage the Local Government and Parliamentary elections but lacked capacity to manage the Presidential election. The President finds this position suspicious and laughable,” said Kalilani

The High Court sitting as Constitution Court on 3rd February ordered Parliament to inquire into the competence of the MEC commissioners over the management of the 2019 elections.



  1. Please publish the whole Press Statement as you usually do so that we can read it for ourselves in full because other media outlets will try to distort everything to suit their usual narrative.

  2. asasaine zimenezo:
    1. parliament yomwe yapanga mabiluwo nayonso ndiyatippex
    2. asitha bwanji constitution mwammangummangu kufuna kuteteza zolakwika zaboza zomwe akhothi anainamizira constitution kuti zaphwanyidwa.
    3. achakwera ndi achilima asiye kugwiritsa ntchito kuopseza mokhetsa mwazi komanso ziphuphu pofuna kulanda boma kuzera kukhothi
    4. nzopatsa phwete kuona achakwera amutu biii kuparliament kunyambitira mang’ina uku akusintha malamulo kwinaku ali ansah achoke…ansah achoke chonsecho nawonso anawinira tippex yemweyo, angakhale chilima mu 2014 nayenso anawinira tippex yemweyo.
    5. munthu mukumuseweretsayu kamuzu anachita kumuitanitsa kudzapanga nawo malamulo ake omwewa ndiye akudziwa chomwe chikuchitika.
    6. constitution singangosinthidwa mwachusawawa nchfukwa chake anaima mfundo zoitetezera monga kuti bill yake idutse pakhale 2/3 majority zomwe sizophweka.
    7. komanso anayenera atiuze ife anthu eni ake ovota tipereke maganizo anthu.

    conclusion: concourt yabweretsa mpungwepungwe pandale chifukwa chogamula nkhani kutengera maubale, mantha, matama, kusowekera ukadaulo weniweni.

    nthawi yakwana tsono kumakhothi athu kusangokhale anthu achigawo chimodzi omwe machitidwe awo adzawavulaza iwo eni tsiku lina chifukwa cholephera kuona patapi: achimango, akaphale, achibwana etc akuyenera kuganiziridwa nawo akhale majaji kuhigh khothi ndi ku supreme. sizoona supreme ndi supreme ansah yekha kukhala wachigawo china. malawi ndiwatonse uyu.


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