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HomeLatestMCP Is The Epitome Of Tribalism

MCP Is The Epitome Of Tribalism

Chakwera to finish off southerners

I’m a southerner – from Blantyre – and I’ve been close friends with someone from the northern region for three decades now. That’s fifty percent of my adulthood.

In the time we have known each other; we have grown a deep friendship that’s stood the test of time. But to some, our friendship seems unusual compounded by the fact that we have different political ideologies.

I have to admit though; sometime our friendship goes through awkward moments (especially during election times) because of the battle of the tribes. You see, in Malawi, politics is sometimes guided by tribal affiliations, and every election since the dawn of democracy has been characterized by ethnic tensions.

It is, however, the May 2019 Tripartite Elections in which the demons of tribalism really exploded, leaving people dead, misplaced, robbed and property worth billions of Kwachas destroyed.

Revered Chakwera of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) led a bloody campaign soon after the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) declared His Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika as winner of the presidential elections.

The media quoted him saying his mission was to wrestle power from Lhomwes (referring to APM – a Lhomwe from Thyolo) – who are seen as unwilling to share political spoils.

This is absurd though because it is coming from someone who’s leading the most nepotistic and tribalistic political grouping in Malawi. The tribalism in MCP is so deep rooted that it’s becoming a stumbling block to plans of an effective electoral alliance.

In as far as possible bedfellows were concerned (UDF, and later UTM), Atupele Muluzi or Saulosi Chilima are much better leaders than Chakwera and have experience in running government.

These two would have been the obvious presidential candidates but it is impossible for them to lead an alliance because they don’t have a big tribe to bring to the table. Apparently the torch bearer discussions for the UTMC-PP-AFORD-MAFUNDE-F­P alliance have stalled because of the same.

The above sentiments have continuously been echoed by senior MCP members who have publicly said that if they are to go into an alliance then who gets the presidential candidate is not up for debate.

Just look at the history of all MCP coalitions and you will understand. There’s always been a Chewa as its president and it’s always a Chewa leading any alliance.

Despite what they preach on the podium, MCP is the ONLY party with structures ONLY in the central region unlike the rest of the major political parties. And before selling off a few positions to the rich like Sidik Mia and a few People’s Party (PP) officials from the south just before the 2019 election, the entire National Executive Committee comprised of Chewas only.

Mind you, allowing people from other tribes to sit at the high table was a financial decision – MCP was (and is) broke thus in serious need of funds. The seats were auctioned off to the highest bidders. Everybody knows this.

While MCP continues to beat the tribalism drums, its supporters dance to the tunes. This was evident the past few months when people from parts of Lilongwe, Kasungu and Mchinji (all MCP strongholds) harassed and chased those from the south.

Currently, MCP has unleashed another wave of terror against people from the southern region under the guise of chasing those who want to rig. Innocent People’s property is being looted and burnt in the central region and one person has been bludgeoned to death.

MCP’s Secretary General, Eisenhower Mkaka, continues to propagate genocidal hatred against southerners. He says what he wants and doesn’t even care that he is putting the lives of people from the south in danger.

We will deal with all the Lhomwe’s -Mkaka

It’s sad when political leaders shout “tikazangotenga boma, tizachita kukusakani office ndi office!” meaning in the unlikely event that they win the fresh elections they will literally hunt for southerners across the nation and have them fired.

MCP’s ‘star’ witness Daudi Suleman took to the podium at their victory rally in Nsundwe and told the nation live that all MCP monitors would come from Nsundwe in the event that we are going to vote again.

Political campaigns have morphed into grounds for politicians to divide and conquer. The party’s leadership has never even once condemned such proclamations which inevitably mean these have the blessings of the party.

If left unchecked, tribalism is going to continue eating the fabric of Malawi’s social life. It controls everything in MCP from picking a leader to choosing who to go into an alliance with.

And this cancer has nothing to do with education; it is the most educated and powerful in the party who participate strongly in promoting ethnicity divisions.

Malawians are misled into viewing each other as ‘rival’ tribes and ‘enemies’ and to view each other with suspicion and distrust.

If MCP can blatantly promote tribalism whilst in the opposition, imagine what they’d do if they ever came into power. All of us non Chewas would be thrown into concentration camps.

I sleep well at night though, because I know that God would never allow his children to ever suffer again under brutal MCP rule.

We should all draw strength from Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” 



  1. All the above is spot-on. This trend dates back from the one party era when those who mattered came from the centre. Apparently, what God has built, no mortal human being can put asunder. Kamuzu knew better that for him to thrive politically, he needed southerners, hence his base was in the south with the likes of Kuntumanje, Chokani, Mlanga, Deleza, Tsamwa, Chitalo, Chakuamba, Mankhumula, Chipembere etc supporting him with no reservations. There were the Chidzanjas, Tembos, Muwalos, Gadamas, Msonthis etc who came from the centre but much of the spade-work was done by the southerners with a good number of the northerners. The Manjankhosis and the rest of the novices were just errand entities. Surprisingly, for the Chakweras, Mkakas and company to claim ownership of a thing they don’t know its inception, up to a point of being selective, defeats the very essence the founders grounded MCP (Nyasaland Congress) on. They have already forgotten the trouble the likes of Orton Chirwa and company took by inviting Hastings Banda to lead the Congress.
    The bottomline is that with all the nepotism and other isms being showcased negates the chances of the current MCP leadership becoming the head of state. The founders and fathers of the real MCP everytime they see the shenanigans perpetrated by the people from the central region, their skeletons keep-on turning in their graves. Until they learn to see the rest of Malawians as equal partners in the field of politics, nothing tangible will be realized by those overzealous, gluttonous individuals. Malawi Congress Party once belonged to everybody until the likes of the murderes raring their ugly faces to day came on the scene.

  2. I am from the South as well. Zinthu sizikuyenda even kwa Ife aku South because our government is too corrupt to wage a tangible war against poverty and all ills. I do not support DPP because it is literally raping us of so many things. Out taxi money is being used to build mansions by the greedy few in top positions. I am voting for Chakwera tiwoneko zina. Udindo wapantundu ngati umfumu tatopa nawo.


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