Malawi government has cancelled voter registration process with immediate effect in order to protect citizens from Covid-19 which has so far killed one person in the country.
The registration process started on Saturday, 4 April in some districts across the country in redness for the 2 July Presidential elections.
The government has also banned Church and Market meetings with immediate effect from Friday.
Addressing the media on Tuesday, Minister of Health Jappie Mhango said the fight against coronavirus needs collective efforts.
Mhango also confirmed three new cases of Covid-19 bringing the total number of confirmed cases to eight, including one death.
COVID-19, which is now a global issue, was first discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan City in China.
Government or MEC?
You people are really dumb. Zinthu zosamva. You mean you can not differentiate between Government and MEC. Just being used to stealing and manipulating.
That is the role of MEC not Government.
kod a dpp mantha bwanji mukuwopa chan ,mukuziwa kut masankho simungawine chifukwa chake mukuyesesa njira iz ndi izi, anthu anataya chikhulupililo ndi inu akufuna ayesepo wina, inuyo zonse zakulephelani ,chitetezo mulibe anthu akuphana nthawi ndi nthawi
Corona sinkhambakamwa, even amec omwe akupangitsa kalemberayo miyoyo yawo ili pachiopsezo. Kukakhala kuphana aoposition motsogoleredwa ndi chakwera, chilima ndi mtambo akupanga dala ngati njira imodzi yakampeni. Kodi mukufuna mumvetsetse za korona inuyo kapena m’bale wanu atadwala. Ukakhala mpando sitiujijirikira chonchi. Moti olo anthu azipasilana kolona mkumakaonjezera chiopsezo chotenga kwa achipatala athu mulibe nazo ntchito? Iyi ndi nthenda yawina aliyense ndipo wopulumuka ikumatengera survival of the fittest. Mwina iweyo ukubwebweta kufuna kukhala pampando miyoyo italakatika uli mbali yaanthu omwe sangapulumuke. Inde tidzafa ndithu koma nkoyenera kuyesera kuuteteza moyo, nchifukwa chake angakhale atsirikali amavala akasinja koma chonsecho amadziwa kuti kunkhondoko akhoza kukafa. Tikudziwa kuti angakhale amec manja awo alibe mphamvu yoletsa chisankho koma akhothi kapena aboma akaona kuti apa ndiye zaonjeza. Nzokaikitsa ngati a khothi angalese chisankho chifukwa choopa chifwamba m’busa chakwera yemwe salabada za moyo wamunthu koma kukoma kwabanja lake basi.
Korona yabweretsa sidpp ndi matenda omwe akhudza dziko lonse. Ndiye nkhuli ndi mpando waupulezidenti singagwire. Muyiwona itambwandira inu kapena m’bale wanu omwe akaitenge kolembetsako. Matama nthawi zina siabwino, inu chisankho munaluza kale apapa mwachita kulilira ndipo ena mwaabale anu omwe ndimajaji anakukonderani kuti anthu akavotenso chonsecho palibe anabera chisankho. Atsogoleri asalabada zamunthu sin’dawawone. Kumapha dala anthu kuti muziti boma likulephera, musiyiretu mtudzu umenewu MULUNGU adzakulangani.
This is why Malawi Law Society and the courts are working to bar the MEC SA Lawyers. They know this time their hypocrisy will be internationally exposed. Most of the Lawyers practicing in Malawi pale is significance to the MEC target Lawyers. For instance Advocate Dumisa Buhle Ntsebeza SC became a member of the SERI’s Board of Directors in June 2016. Adv Ntsebeza was admitted as an attorney in 1984, practicing in the Eastern Cape, mainly in the area of human rights. He represented a number of political prisoners throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. In 1995 he was appointed one of the Commissioners in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). He is a founder of South African National Association of Democratic Lawyers and served as its President. He also served as president of the South Africa’s Black Lawyers Association. In 2000, Adv Ntsebeza was called to the Bar in Cape Town, where he took Silk in 2005, becoming the first African to be conferred Silk status in the history of the Cape Bar. He has practised in the Johannesburg Bar since 2008. He has a passion for Constitutional and Administrative Law, Labour Law, Mining Law and Land Law. Adv Ntsebeza is a member of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), where he has acts as the commission’s spokesperson. He has also sat as a judge in various divisions of the High Court of South Africa – in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape (Mthatha), Gauteng, and in all the Labour Courts. Since October 2012 Adv Ntsebeza has represented before the Marikana Commission of Inquiry, 36 families of striking miners who were killed by the police at Marikana in August 2012.
Palibepo nkhani yopangira bar apa ife tikufuna chilungamo chenicheni chioneke. Popanda RIGGING zikutheka bwanji kupanga nullify chisankho komanso chapulezidenti yekha. Nanga nchifukwa chani m’busa chakwera sakupanga resign as an mp chifukwa nawonso mairregularities anawakhuza? Kukanakhala kubera zinali zomveka kukhwatcha za upulezidenti zokha.