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HomeLatestEnemies Of The People: MCP, UTM Conspiracy Against Malawians

Enemies Of The People: MCP, UTM Conspiracy Against Malawians

By Steven Kwame Fraser Maseya

MCP, UTM Enemies of Malawi
UTM , MCP Enemies of Malawi

Reverend Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has been unleashing terror on Malawians from Southern, Eastern, Northern and even Central regions to gratify his lust for presidency.

Over the past year, Malawians have witnessed how MCP has rebranded its old, Nazi-styled terror machine of the Youth League into a bloodletting instrument it was.

Working with former members of the brutal Malawi Young Pioneers and some retired army officers, the league is terrorizing Malawians in a manner of an occupation.

It is a reincarnation of the bloodletting dictatorial MCP. In better term, MCP never changed from a human killer that it was in its 31-year rule.

The purpose of this campaign of bloodshed is to drill fear in Malawians and subjugate them to MCP whims.

In MCP’s old-fashioned thinking, it sees terror as a way of exerting total control of the Central region while forcing people everywhere in the country to support MCP in the forth coming election.

MCP thugs are destroying property, injuring DPP supporters, killing innocent people and causing unnecessary pain to people simply because these people do not belong to MCP or Chewa tribe.

Chakwera and Chilima have always had an evil agenda to topple government using any evil means they can find.

Malawians heard for themselves recently when Chilima, in a leaked audio, wished the President dead so that he can take over.

On 22 May 2019, barely 36 hours after MEC started counting votes of the May 21 elections, Chakwera vowed to shed blood if he did not become president of Malawi.

That was the setting of the campaign of violence and bloodshed perpetrated by MCP, UTM and their terror agent HRDC. The blood that is being shed in the country now through violence is as plotted by the pastor.

The plot is thickening. Recently, he instructed his followers to deal with anyone suspected of buying National IDs.

This is one of the conspiracy strategies they are employing to justify atrocities perpetrated against Malawians in the Central and Northern regions.

Then comes the rumour of bloodsucking in some districts in Central and Northern region.

 Have you ever wondered why there are always rumours of blood sucking each time there are elections?

Before the 2019 Tripartite Elections these rumours gripped Thyolo and Mulanje. It was MCP’s strategy to create the impression in the public that DPP government was not a caring one and therefore turn away people from voting for the DPP. The strategy failed.

As the nation ran close to the election, MCP intensified the narrative of the killings of albinos with the purpose to make people angry with government so that MCP wins election.

Malawians again remember how HRDC whipped up the issue of albino killings as part of their common strategy to “destroy the DPP government”, as another leaked audio of a meeting between Chakwera and HRDC members exposed.

This time, they are attempting to make people believe that it is the DPP government that is sending the alleged blood suckers in the Centre and the North.

The aim is to make people there become disgruntled with the current administration, in favour of MCP or UTM.

Sadly, in the implementation of their evil strategy, they have ended up killing Mozambican nationals who were in transit from Tanzania where they went to collect a vehicle.

The reason MCP has resorted to this terror is that they know that if they use democratic means, they cannot win any election.

It should be understood that Chakwera and Chilima in collaboration with their agents in courts will stop at nothing to take over government by whatever bloody means possible.

Further supporting this view is their shocking story on the Coronavirus pandemic. Coronavirus has affected every part of the world.

But even as it is killing thousands of people every day around the world including here in Malawi, MCP and UTM are making it a subject of political gain by claiming that it is a story created by DPP with the aim to stop the fresh elections.

That is how evil Chakwera and Chilima can be. Chakwera and Chilima do not give a damn whether people die or not. All they want is power, even if it means they walk on dead bodies to the seat of power.

On reflection, Coronavirus and the post-election violence has helped Malawians to know which leaders have people’s welfare at heart.

File Photo: MCP Machinery Killing an innocent Malawian

MCP’s evil plan aims to:

1. Bring back MYP to terrorize Malawians again and make sure they rule us again with an iron fist for a long time to come.

2. Punish Lhomwes, Yaos, Senas, Mang’anjas, Ngonis, Tumbukas, Ngondes, Tongas including Chewas who belong to DPP or any other political party.

3. Restore one party state again by instilling fear.

It is up to all Malawians to unite and stop politicians who want to ransom our lives for the sake of their selfish interests.

Let’s unite to stop the violence, the killings, the rumour mongering and agents of evil which the opposition.



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