By Foster F. Fundi

All the hype. The past three days a number of UTM top party executives have been advising me inbox to watch the Zomba campaign rally because it will remind me of my former boss Barrack Obama. Frankly speaking I had no idea what to expect. The truth is I have no time to waste to listen to Chilima. Am I missing something??? Other than the bizarre flag rant anything he has said that came close to compare with Obama I am not aware of??
He is really trying hard to remain relevant.
Let me caution Chilima, I know people from Mangochi, they’re our cousins. You throw a punch to any of them, you won’t know what just hit you in return. An attack on one of them, is an attack on all of us. A coward use live ammunition on civilians and women. No one is above the law not even Chilima and his security thugs. I urge Malawi police to swiftly arrest these thugs.
As usual hypocrites like HRDC, Mtambo, media houses and all so called human rights activists who jump on any minor mistakes by DPP and UDF supporters are mute as expected. Shame on you.