By Chimwemwe Njoloma
Lilongwe, June 10, Mana: Lingadzi Police Station in Lilongwe through its community policing office on Tuesday summoned politicians, chiefs and religious leaders over political violence to map way forward on ending the malpractice.

Community Policing Coordinator for Lingadzi Police Station, Inspector Rashid Chimala, warned the participants that anyone found inciting political violence will face the law.
He assured the gathering that police will provide maximum security to any political party during and after the campaign period.
Speaking during the meeting, Senior Group Village Kauma condemned the political violence taking place in the country which he said is risking lives of innocent people.
He said people should learn to tolerate but also allow leaders to level a fair playing ground for all political parties without any interference.
“We will not allow politics to divide us and bring so much hatred amongst us. We say no to violence,” he said.
Kauma said it is possible for people to belong to different political parties and live peacefully.
He said no person should allow to be used by greedy politicians but all should fight to protect lives and the country at large.
Chairperson for Pastors Fraternal at Kauma, James Chirwa said political parties are not eternal hence the need to love and tolerate each other.
He told the representatives that they should refrain from inciting political violence alluding to attacks on each other.
“Leaders have got a big role to play. Violence can either or not take place depending on what leaders are preaching to their supporters. What leaders utter from their mouths has the power to incite or stop violence,” said Chirwa.
In her remarks, District Civic Education Officer for Lilongwe Hajila Allie said he could not believe it when he learnt that there was political violence at Kauma.
She said what happened at Kauma, just like any other place, is uncalled for and should be condoned in strongest terms.
She said the situation had risked lives of many including children who do not even know what politics is.
“Politics is and will always be here. The ball is in our hands to choose what is right in God’s face and in our society.
We condemn the malpractice in strongest terms and we hope it will not happen again,” said Allie.
kubwera mundale ndi dyera za achakwera ndi makani achilima nzomwe zadzetsa mpungwepungwewu womwe kutengera zibwana sudzatherapo. Machitidwe a khothi ndi amipingo nazonso zikukolezera moto kumkwiyo waanthu. Mosapsatira chakwera wakhala akugwiritsa ntchito njira yankhanza ndi ndewu kuyambira kuchipani mpakanano pano kudziko. Akumachitira mphamvu kuti alande udindo zomwe nzotsemphana n’democracy. Chomvetsa chisoni anthu sakutha kumuona and iyeyunso ndi m’busa ndipo machitidwe ake akuonetsa kuti MULUNGU alibe naye ntchito. N’chifukwa chani sakulabadira moyo wamunthu koma kufuna kuti uonongeke mpaka iye atatchedwa presidenti? Zoti kuli korona miyoyo yaanthu akuiika pachiopsezo iyeyu, chilima ndi kenyatta alibe nazo ntchito nabola iye akhale mtsogoleri basi. Kuwina anawina apm komwe amubera akhothi sikuti akanakhala mpaka zakazaka, ndi 5 years basi and pano kunangosala 3 years ndi some months. Mosapsatira chakwera ndi monster.