Saturday, March 15, 2025
HomeLatestMCP-UTM Alliance Leader Chakwera In Coma

MCP-UTM Alliance Leader Chakwera In Coma

The Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and UTM Party alliance Presidential Candidate for the much awaited fresh presidential elections, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera is reportedly sick.

Chakwera Critically Ill

According to sources close to ‘Reverend’ Chakwera, the MCP-UTM alliance presidential candidate is in coma and in need urgent medical attention in South Africa.

Chakwera since cancelled campaign rallies and whistle stop tours which were scheduled to take place on Thursday and Friday across the country ahead of 23 June fresh presidential elections.



    • Mulungu wankulu mmodzi yekha amuchiza mwansanga….
      Ambuye Mulungu Chizani odwala onse kuti akavote mwaunyinji ndipo Asungeni Atsogoleri onse ndi Umoyo wathanzi kuti Akavoteredwe mwamtendere….
      Allahumma Aameen

  1. sitikudabwa nanu a malawi voice pompano munalembanso nkhani yot a mcp athamangisa sidik mia mu chipapan koma pano tikumuona ali limozi ndi a mcp, gogo wanu wa zaka 91 ndi amene tikumuwona not realy health wise

  2. Mwina tidziti ndi chilima yake ija yomanamizira amnzake kuti azima ncholinga choti atsogole iyeyo. Koka tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja oipayo watsikira komko. Kapena n’kovidi? Oh oh paja jb, kaliyati nchilima oti kulije covidyo. Ayi ife tilije mawu.

  3. Malawi Voice is so pathetic with cheap propaganda…lets wait and see after a new government comes in ngati mudzapitilize kulemba cheap propaganda. I say so not because the new government will persecute you, no, but because akukupatsani ndalama kuti mudzilemba false stories adzakhala kuti mgodi wa ndalama watha

  4. Mmmm what else can make him cancel his itinerary??..fasting? Busy with some preparations? Strategy of campaign? Whatever It is ..let Tonse tell us..if its sickness,I say may the.Almighty touch him with his healing hand…

  5. Chilichonse chiri ndi nthawi.
    Ndipo Mulungu ( Allah)
    Salakwitsa ayi…Amaika zinthu muchimake ndipo munthawi yake yoyenera….
    Kusokonekera kwa Zitsankho ndi A MEC kwapangutsa kuti wina akhale vice president ndipo wina achoke komanso wina aime ndi Gogo wake kuti amalawife Tkavotenso…
    Zonse ndi nthawi…
    Bolani kukavota mwa Mzeru.
    Anthu chomwe akufuna ndiko Kusintha basi…
    Tikavoa molakwitsa mademo atha kuyambiranso….
    Komanso MEC ngati siiyendetsa bwino masankhowa kuti awine omwe asankhidwewo mopanda chinyengo ndiye kuti mademo ayambanso ndithu…
    Ife sitikuvotera kuti ena ake akhale pa Mtendere ayi?
    Kapena kuti ma Banja a anthu ena akhale pabwino ayi, kapena kuti milandu yomwe ena adapalamula ibisike ayi,
    Koma tikuvitera kuti Malawi akhale pabwino ndi pansi pa atsogoleri owopa Mulungu, Atsogoleri a Tonse omwe tikuwaganizira kuti asintha Malawi kuchokera ku Ziphuphu komasno Kusankhana mitundu ndi zigawo…komasno kusakaza Chuma chaboma…etc..
    Ngati tingavote pa 23 pano tikasankhe kuti zinthu zisinthe…
    Ife osokoneza mavote aja tipempha Mulungu Namalenga kuti Awalange padziko lomwe lino lapansi ndipo awayalutse asafafe……
    Tifuna Chilungamo ndi Chitetezo muno Mmalawi……..


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