Onjezani Kenani Wrote;

I will not lie, I am greatly underwhelmed by the cabinet list. Perhaps our expectations were too high. Husband and wife and the wife’s cousin all in one cabinet, really? Malawi wokomera tonse?
Gospel Kazako, owner of Zodiak Broadcasting Station, Minister of Information. The Minister of Information is an ex-officio member of the board of the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA), which regulates radios and television stations. Granted he could make a show of “relinquishing” ownership, but, frankly, if ZBS were to flout regulations, would he close it?
What, exactly, are the qualifications of Roy Kachale Banda, the Minister of Industry?
I have not seen the Ministry of Gender or the word “gender” mentioned anywhere.
Does gender equality rank among the priorities of the Tonse Alliance?
Under which minister do water and irrigation fall? I haven’t seen that anywhere. At least one DPP member has been included in the cabinet, so perhaps that is a plus, since this is a Malawi for all.
I have congratulated my friend, Timothy Mtambo. He is capable of handling any ministry. But what is the civic education and national unity ministry exactly? Looks like tokenism to me. I could go on and on, but, frankly, this is an anticlimax to what we hoped could be a turn towards a better direction. Family ties, rather than merit, have dominated the appointment decision-making. This is underwhelming.