By Lydia Kalonde, MANA

Malawi Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima says “Tonse Alliance” led Government will be championing wealth creation in its quest to make life better for all Malawians.
The Vice President Chilima, who is also Minister of Economic Planning and Public Sector Reforms, made the remarks Friday in an interview after an interface meeting at Sunbird Mount Soche in Blantyre with the heads of public offices and Parastatals in the Southern Region.
“We need a good country, good leadership and a good environment; people are looking for jobs and good business opportunities and we want a country where people are independent,” he said.
Chilima said the Government will strive to implement and fulfill promises the Tonse Alliance made so that Malawians should be independent from the bondage of poverty.
He said: “People should not be at the mercy of others either as beggars or surviving on handouts, this is not the kind of a country we want.
“We need new infrastructures and there are projects that are ongoing which we will continue and there are some new projects which we will have to embark on.” the vice president said after the interface meeting with Parastatals.
Chilima also assured Malawians that Government will follow legal processes to ensure that Parastatals are held accountable to their previous operations that were deemed suspicious.
He however, said that this should not be deemed as political witch-hunting but merely letting the full arm of the law to take its full course.
The Vice President started engaging heads of public institutions, Parastatals, local councils and private sectors last week to set the tone and the pace for the public sector reforms.
Komatu mkuluyu asamale kwambiri kuli korona. Ma meeting enawa akadayamba ayima kaye. Mwina ndi njira yophera malawansi. Nthawi yakorona ngati ino kumapititsana kukhothi zaziii ati pofuna kupha zipana zomwe siziri mutonse ndiye ndi mbola. Covid19 is real mr vp. Kondani moyo wanu komanso miyoyo ya asilikali anu ndi mabanja awo komanso chepesani marisk kwa achipatala athu angakhalenso ma ceo mukuayika malo amodziwo. Tikukupemphani please chonde.
Very worrying indeed. Many of these ceos are hypertensives, diabetics, asthmatics, etc. This guy and his stupid tonse has already exposed us to the deadly virus through his stubbornness on calls not to politicize this ultimate killing machine. Had it been jappie was holding these nosense meetings believe you me he would have faked broated e-allowance sheets and made them vile on whatsapp. He is selfish and this is all he wanted. With covid it would be difficult to get donor funds and the collection of taxes by mra would be difficult. Its uncalled for to have some other guys holding meetings in the name of swindling the first account which was left with some cash to sustain us in this troubling moment. Was economic planning ministry chosen for campaigning in the name of championing dpp innitiated projects? nCov is real, slow down please to protect a vulnerable life because it is equally important.