This is what our media is supposed to be spreading out there but no….. Where is Rosa Fatch Mbilizi? All of a sudden you have all gone quiet about the looting at MRA which she engineered. I thought that’s what you claimed during campaign?
Or you just realised Rosa and her brother were Mias business partners the man who financed Tonse Alliance? Your hypocrisy stinks. Now am going to start defending Chisale its political witch hunting when you shield the real culprits. With this kind of selective justice how do you plan to fix the country?
We continue to be led by a group of political charlatans and shallow clueless leaders who cant fix the future. Even our political debate is centred on hypocrisy and ignorance-if we all wanted to change Malawi Political debate should be about the opportunities of the future and how best to take advantage of them, here Chakwera had an opportunity to prosecute real corrupt cases but he is squeezed by the balls he can’t function, the Mias, the Kandodos, the Fatchs, his playing field is limited for a president.
That’s why Chisale is fair game, an easy target, a man without a family name who has amassed so much wealth that scares old money. They want him finished while they protect their own and thrive. There is no room for nameless billionaires in their playbook.Aa