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HomeLatestMutharika Still Strong, Will Not Resign- Nankhumwa

Mutharika Still Strong, Will Not Resign- Nankhumwa

Opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the Southern Region, Kondwani Nankhumwa says Professor Peter Mutharika will continue to discharge his duties as DPP’s president.

We will rise again- Nankhumwa

Nankhumwa, who is also leader of opposition in parliament, was speaking in an interview with Zodiak Radio on Sunday.  He said the former president Professor Mutharika is ‘still strong’.

“President Professor Mutharika will not resign as DPP president…he is still strong and will finish his five year term,” said Nankhumwa adding that the Party needs him (Mutharika) most than before.

Nankhumwa also assured DPP supporters across the country and abroad that the Party will bounce back in the near future.

The former president Professor Mutharika was elected as DPP leader during party’s convention which was conducted in July 2018.



  1. This is the biggest mistake. How can you rebuild the party when you still have APM there? You mean no one else can lead the party? Can you not give the old guy a rest?

  2. in 2025 bounce back dpp i doubt chipan chonyoza ich mpaka anthu azachibwezelese pa mpando ndi kupitiliza zawo zija zosolola ndi kunyoza anthu amene akuwatsutsa, we will not allow this to happen mwina 2084 wooooo

  3. Youth leagues don’t dictate on dpp policies. Apm is the only president who was elected through the convention. Laz was scared with the convention to the extent of applying bullying tactics that saw nkholokolos scared away and the same way he applied them in 2020 post 2019 polls. Dpp is the party governed by democratic laws and principles, thats why you will never witness dpp endulging in violent acts or blame game once it tumbles in a poll. Mcp every poll it loses=mec yabera. The only party that held democratic convention is dpp, even saulo was welcomed to face apm in dpp’s convention but the guy dodged. In 2014 apm faced chimunthu who has proven to be a political opportunistic. If we are to take each candidate on its own you will realise that apm is the most popular thats why people are still fighting him despite accepted his defeat. Its only through convention when dpp will choose its new office bearers not through bullying, intimidating undemocratic tendencies. Dpp swallowed the pride to avoid civlil war and this is what makes apm the champion of domocracy and the great statesman. 2025 is fast approaching, lets wait and see the bullying tactics our dictators have in stock. You will be brought to your senses to see other people not obliging to their alliance promises. You will be trapped in cross fires thats when you will realise that apm is the true democrat and the guy who values human existence. For sure dpp, not so long will bounce back. Sizolirira zomwe taziona kuyambira chaka chatha ayi. Mpaka kukhapa anthu, kugumula ndi ku thibula aphunzitsi asukulu zomwe dpp inkatsogola 2019, etc. What happened is not democracy but, forcing leaders on us.

  4. Those asking for APM to retire are opposition figures who are afraid of APM standing again in 2024/25 as they are seeing him winning the elections again for 10 more years as he would have just started a fresh term limit. To me APM can rule up to the age of 90 or 95 and retire and let Nankhumwa or any of the peoples choice for another 10 year period. See what is happening in Government now. Do you remember Rt Hon. Atupele Muluzi’s comments in relation to a learner driver being asked to drive a bus, sakugwetsani ki ki ki . Abale , dzikoli siligwa ngati machitidwewa sasintha. When you go to a new office avoid demonising almost everything your predecessors did. That was their time and just start working and correct issues gradually with full consultations of other officers at the new place.


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