Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has vowed to take a strong legal action against every person involved in the extortion scheme, involving girls, that has been running for the past three years.
On Wednesday two faceless women appeared on white-people run ENCA TV and accused Prophet Bushiri of raping them.
The interview came barely hours after Bushiri detailed how a conspiracy of some officers from the Haws and some members from SANCO has been intimidating women and children to come up with false rape allegations against Prophet Bushiri and some members of the church.
“This Mrwebi woman has been running an extortion syndicate against the Prophet through sending girls to demand money from him and if he doesn’t give them, she told the girls to go public and accuse him of raping them,” he wrote.
Bushiri underlined that he reported the matter in 2018 to several state institutions such as State Security Agency, Inspector General of Intelligence, police commissioners, and including the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) to bring this woman to justice and leave me alone.It’s unfortunate that there hasn’t been any action taken, he said.
Bushiri further said that earlier the week, some women were to be interviewed by ETV to accuse him of rape and one woman, after the interview, sneaked to the ECG leader, demanded R300 000 to withdraw the story from ETV.
“Well, we told them we are not giving a single coin to them to stop ETV from running this story. ETV must go ahead and ETV really did through interviewing women whose faces were covered and none can ascertain their identities,” he said.
Bushiri has since emphasized that he has overwhelming evidence and a serious legal suit is on the cards.