The palpable anger (rightly or wrongly) at the rise of the cost of fuel is a stinging reminder to everyone that the people will not live on, nor be satisfied with; “basi, bola DPP inachoka”.
Much more needs to be done by our leaders to show and prove that, unlike the previous regime, they are in it to sincerely serve the people and not for them, their families and cronies to live large and have an endless party at the taxpayer expense.
Yet, six months in, much of what is going on looks and feels like Malawians fell in love with an old witch wearing nice make-up. But it is not too late for our leaders to change course; cut out wasteful expenditure and the bells and whistles that are the trappings of power.
Roll up your sleeves to work hard for the people of Malawi. Works, not words, will be what makes or breaks this government.
In the face of evidence of policy consistency, follow-through on delivery of services, cleanup of corruption, improvement in living conditions…even when fuel goes up, the people will be more willing to understand, seeing as their government would be hard at work for them.
DPP mbava apa bolaniko potha pa two years I think Malawi will never be the same anthuo sadzagonaso pamenepo