20.2 C
New York
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Cashgate at SFFRFM


The current Government, which is no longer Tonse Government needs to learn one thing, and that thing is called speed of execution. It is an MCP regime. Tonse Government, on paper yes but in practice other members of Tonse especially critical ones are frustrated and shocked at the turn of events.

Loss of direction. We shall called this rule, an MCP one! It is only fair to do so, amidst their excitement, gluttony and misrule. Anyway back to Business, SFFRFM- has had no Executive Management since June last year. All Directors were sent packing and only remains with the CEO as a lone soldier. This lone soldier is Dr. Andrex Kalinde. At one time he paid board members allowances for attending his mum’s funeral.

Tomorrow, the MCP Government should not come panting to the public once they discover the looting.

Ironically, the MCP rule is also failing to put in place a Board for SFFRFM. They are known for being damn slow like a tortoise and when they act or appoint it is always questionable characters. One would think the delay is painstaking, nah results are chaotic, always.

Look, today a sit has taken effect at SFFRFM, over so many employee related issues. All people in the warehouses and HQ have downed tools. This is one of the leading AIP distributors. The success of AIP is already questionable. This sit in affects AIP, as it is not concluded yet.

But MCP, has watched AHL Group employees go without pay for many months, now SFFRFM, not to talk about Admarc.

As a Brand, MCP positions itself as an Agro – based one, it cannot afford to send wrong signals on state companies that propel the Agriculture agenda.

We know you are busy buying personal tankers and tippers, we know these tippers and tankers by their registration numbers & proxies – but spare some thought for a poor Malawian.

Mutsamwa!Godot, we waited for long.

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