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IAM A PRESIDENT OF PEACE-Powerful Speech By APM At Presidential Prayer Breakfast (May 9, 2019)


*Speech by Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika at Presidential Prayer Breakfast, at Kamuzu Palace, Lilongwe, 9 May 2019*

Presidential Breakfast Prayer at Kamuzu Palace, May 9, 2019,

We have met this morning in communion of prayer. We have met to speak our collective needs to God our Father. This is an important moment in our personal lives and in this nation.

I want to thank you for organizing these prayers. We are a God-fearing people. Prayers are and should be part of our lives. Prayers are our communication with God. As long as we depend on God, it is important to remain in constant communication with God to sustain the bonding that we share with him as his children.I believe in prayer. And I pray for my most important decisions.

In 2014, when I was taking over government, I prayed to God to help me to lead this country. Five years later, as we face Elections to renew our mandate in leading this country, it is only important that we must meet again and pray.

One of the most important things we should safeguard and pray for in this Election is peace. I value peace. I am a peaceful President. And I am a President of peace. As a President of Peace, I always remember that Jesus, the Prince of Peace himself, left us with peace in his last words on earth, “Peace I leave with you.”

He left us with the Holy Spirit as the last treasure to give us peace.As a democrat who believes in peace, I do not need to be persuaded to enter any agreement of peace because I am a peaceful person.

You all have seen how I treat those who consider me as their enemy.You all have seen how I was treated in 2014. I was put in prison on false allegations. I survived five assassination attempts on my life. My predecessor literally refused to hand over power to me. I never revenged. And I will never revenge. Because I am not a person of vengeance.

You have all seen how I treat those who rebel against me. Like King David who insisted on saving the life of Absalom, I have never sought destruction of my rebels. You have all seen how I treat those who go out to seek and pray for my destruction.

I know there are church leaders who sit in council with my enemies plotting to overthrow me. But I say to them “Come, let us reason together” for we are all the children of one God.

You all have seen people insulting me, creating false evidence against me, praying for my death in public. But I have stayed focused on developing this country because I am not a vindictive President.

And I know there are people who spend sleepless nights, wondering what I will do to them when they lose the Election. And I say to them, of course you will lose this Election. But I say I am not a vindictive President. I am not a President of vengeance. For “vengeance is mine”, so says the Lord God.

I know there are leaders who say in their hearts, we have gone astray but how shall we go back to the path of reconciliation? And I say to them, the power of choice on which path to take in this life is yours

I know there are leaders who say in their hearts, we have gone astray but how shall we go back to the path of reconciliation? And I say to them, the power of choice on which path to take in this life is yours. I have nothing against anybody. But if you indulge in criminal activities, your case will be between you and the laws of this country because we are a lawful nation.

If you seek anybody’s life, your case will be between you and God. Your final case will be between you and God. Not between you and I.

When we went for prayers at Anglican Church at St Michaels at Malindi last year, I told this nation that I believe in what Jesus taught us, that “If your enemies hate you, love them for they have hated me already.” I said people can hate me, but I will always love them. I value peace, love and unity.

I have always called upon Malawians that we must value peace, love and unity. Let me repeat what I have said before: Let us be a nation that wishes upon each other love, peace and unity.

As we pray for the Election, let us remember, as I have always said, that this Election will come to pass. But we will always remain Malawians. We will always be friends, neighbours, workmates and churchmates that we have always been.

This Election will pass as an episode in the history of our nation. Let us learn to look forward beyond Elections.To all politicians, I say let us campaign peacefully. Violence is for those who have no agenda.

Hate speeches are for those who have no policies. Let us campaign on policies and issues that will build this country.To the church and all faith groups, I say, let us remember our place between man and God.

Let us remember to be agents of reconciliation. Let us remember to be agents of peace. For the rest, I say to you: God will fight for us. God will fight on our side. For God has told us “I will set confusion in the camp of your enemies, so that you will know that I am God”.

It is in that God to whom we pray and speak this morning.

May God Bless Malawi

And God Bless You All

Thank You!



  1. He is a true example of peace and the towering giant who outshines african savage politics. He displayed love throughout his tenure and acb and our police worked very professionally. He is the great icon of love and indeed the true follower of the LORD JESUS. While these other men and women are busy applying the old testament, apm stood for the Good News message which is full of hope, love and peace. Your germ is rare and great performers humble themselves. May GOD THE ALMIGHTY, The WHO IAM, bless you our great man. You are a great teacher and in you volumes of good governance and hard work will blosom.


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