St Martin Catholic Parish located in Chirimba Township in the Archdiocese of Blantyre has become the fourth parish to close because of Covid-19. It’s parish priest Fr. Peter Kamtembe has tested positive to Covid 19.
He wrote the following:
“Monga tonse tikudziwirira Covid 19 wavuta Mmalawi muno ndiponso mu mpingo wanthu. Pozindikira udindo wanga, titaona kuti ndidayandikana ndi anthu ena amene apezeka ndi nthendayi. Zotsatira zasonyeza kuti nanenso ndiri nayo Covid 19, pachifukwa ichi tayimitsa kaye mapemphelo onse pa parish yathu ya St. Martin.
“Tidikira azaumoyo kuti adzapopele mankhwala mchalichi chathu ndi kukonza dongosolo latsopano lachitetezo. Onse amene akuona kuti adandiyandikira kwambiri akhale paokha ndipo atsate zimene azaumoyo akutipempha. Mulungu atithandize tonse ndipo tiyeni tisamale.”
Apart from St Martin, the other three Catholic parishes that have been closed down because of Covid-19 are St. Pius and St. Montfort (C.I) in Blantyre archdiocese and Nsipe parish in Dedza Diocese.
The closure followed revelation that two priests at St. Pius parish, Frs. George Kaliati and Gervanzio Namba and a nun were found with Covid-19 and parish priest for C.I Fr. Mark Makolo too.
At Nsipe a nun was hit by the pandemic.