Sunday, March 23, 2025
HomeNationalCOVID 19 NEWSCorona Vaccine Has Nothing To Do With Mark Of The Beast 666-Pastor...

Corona Vaccine Has Nothing To Do With Mark Of The Beast 666-Pastor Salanje Writes



Its very disturbing to see how Men of God are lying to people by trying to connect the Corona virus vaccine with the mark of the beast 666.Every time when there’s a new thing happening, Men of God always connect it with the Devil, or the end of the world.


The truth of the matter is that there’s a terrible sickness which is killing people called Corona virus and we need to deal with it whether through prayers or through medicine. Now the scientists have come up with the solution to deal with the problem and now Men of God we are trying to connect it with the devil, which one is the Devil here between Corona virus which is killing people and vaccine which is going to protect people?T

he Corona virus vaccine has got nothing to do with the devil or mark of the beast, In every country there are doctors and scientists, let them test the vaccine and if is going to protect people from the disease let people have it.


Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what time the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have allowed his house to be broken up.

Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man will come.Matthew 24:42‭-‬44 Here Jesus is teaching us to be ready always because we don’t know the time, you may go by rapture or by normal death, so why are you so anxious about the coming of Jesus or the mark of the beast?

If you are ready, you are ready whether you die and meet the Lord or the Lord will meet you here, what you need is to be ready always.


Those people who are busy with the word rupture or mark of the beast, i bet you is a sign that you are not ready, why are you so busy with what can not make you holy? Rapture or mark of the beast will not make you holy.

Men of God are so afraid, why are you afraid, if you have been living a holy life then there is nothing to worry about. Its like you want to start preparing now .

Don’t be afraid, with Corona virus or no Corona virus, with rapture or no rapture, with mark of the beat or no mark of the beast, always be ready to meet with the lord because you don’t know what can kill you or the time the Lord will come.

May God strengthen us and take away all fears.

May God bless you as you type amen and share this post.



  1. Unfortunately some of you Pastors and Evangelists you have been bought to advance a hidden agenda. Its hard to trust you any longer. You have lost credibility. Even your government knows the truth but it has its people for a sacrife.

    Mulungu azaweruza

  2. Its very unfortunate that some of you think we salute you as men of God. We have studied and learned enough about you.
    You are agents of the evil one. You’re serving the king of this world. A day is coming when you will be heard accountable. Just be on guard for it will surely come to pass. In case you lack logic and reasoning, let me school you first. A vaccine is not equal to reading bible verses. A vaccine is in most cases a microbe turned less virulent. If not properly done the resultant can be fatal. Scientifically even the Government is not coming forth to school its people well. School sichotsa umbuli the so called man of God. Having PhDs doesn’t mean knowing and doing right. Some of our doctors are useless academicians. They are simply helping to put innocent souls on sell, rubbish. Our leaders are rushing to secure vaccines for poor nationals, their souls will revenge in due course. I challenge you all perpetrators of this hidden agenda, including you Salanje, you’re waiting for a turn and God will deal with you.


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