Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeLatestThe Views of the Majority is Might but not Always Right-Ralph Kasambara...

The Views of the Majority is Might but not Always Right-Ralph Kasambara Comments on Chizuma

By Ralph Kasambara Writes:

There is a good reason why the framers of our Constitution chose to have separation of powers amongst the 3 branches of government: Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary/Judicature. And our Constitution endows them with independence in their execution of duties. That independence is only real when the occupants of those institutions are not intimidated threatened or enticed with some favours.

Of late I have seen some judges being attacked on the decisions they make. Hear me correctly it’s one thing to attack the decision and it’s another to attack the person. Again today we see read or hear about certain parliamentarians being attacked or bad mouthed because of the way they rated ACB director nominee.

In both cases there are remedies provided by the constitution to deal with judges and Maps that fail to carry out their bible duties. Attacking or threatening them are not part of the solutions.

NB: The views of the majority is might but not always right.



  1. that’s the clue, and I quote too, “the views of majority is might but no always right”. separation of powers on it’s basis.


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