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Sunday, October 6, 2024

One Year of Tonse (mis?)Management Part 1


If there is a biggest and huge achievement that Tonse Government achieved, is that the President and his Vice unlike in the past have managed to attend Parliament and answer questions. This is a huge departure from past Presidents except for Bakili Muluzi who once went to Parliament on a similar errand.

There are other significant strides that Tonse Government has done. The resurrection and re-energized reforms agenda is a noble endeavor to pursue. The weekly media briefings is yet another milestone in the current government. Forget about the mishaps, misinformation, contradictions and half-baked information that is sometimes paraded out of these briefings.

The AIP is another milestones as it is an improved version of the FISP. However questions still remains as to whether there is value for money in the entire project if you look at the percentage increase, the money involved and the output.

During the 2019 growing season, Malawi spent K35.5billion on FISP and managed to produce bumper harvest which eventually the current regime is planning to export as excess maize. In 2020 growing season, Malawi has invested a huge K160.2 billion and the estimate is that the country will have 18% increase in terms of yield. I am not an economist but if we do a proper analysis of the output versus the investment, something is not adding up. The money involved is way too much versus the estimated output and what’s the justification if K35.5billion just gave us surplus as well? I thought with this investment, we should have doubled the yield?

Achievement of any administration is seen in the standard of living of its citizens, infrastructure development and valuable economic performance as analyzed through economic indicators. Malawians are poorer and struggling due to the economic hardships. Tonse was fully aware of the effects of covid during the campaign period, it would be dishonest for them to now hide behind the same pandemic.

All economic fundamentals are not instilling confidence to the business sector. The inflation is on the increase, the kwacha after years and years of stability has all of the sudden starting to develop legs. The interests rates are going high and the foreign reserves are depleting at an alarming speed. The worst part is that Tonse Government has in one year borrowed so huge than an entire first 5 years of Bingu administration and there are no signs of slowing down.

On Foreign Policy, Tonse Government is seemingly running a disastrous foreign policy which is making it more isolated. It seems that MCP past and present have not learnt from its mistakes and are repeating the same mistakes. SADC, UN, AU and EU policy on Palestine is in black and white. The Palestine have a right to self-determination which in turn focuses on a two state solution and leaving the controversial Jerusalem out of the equation.

For Malawi, it feels Israel is more important than the self-rule of Palestine. Against SADC and other bodies that Malawi affiliated to we are embarrassing ourselves and dent our human rights record by denying the millions of Palestine’s their rights to self-rule. The vote at the Human Rights Council was a shameful position for Malawi. It seems when it comes to Israel – Palestine conflict, our foreign policy is based on religious point of view as written in the bible than humanity and historical facts.

Then there is a shameful act of the Minister of Information in responding to the alcohol saga in South Africa. What a sham for a Minister to disown their own diplomats and say Tonse Government has not appointed those diplomats and they belong to DPP. Since when does a political party appoint diplomats? Any Diplomat represents Malawi Government regardless of the political party in power. The very same Diplomats were the ones standing tall in tall with Chakwera when he was in South Africa and he recognized them as his own Government representatives.

In SADC Malawi continue to be isolated. Maybe it’s because of its past but also lets face facts, the Tonse Government came to power through violence and is adored by Opposition parties in the whole region. In fact some MCP leaders have been in close touch with Opposition parties in Southern Africa encouraging them to follow the example set in Malawi.

At present, Tonse Government is viewed as a revolt and violent regime and there is a need of a lot repairing that must be done to change the image. It seems we are comfortable when proponents of regime change support our positions and yet we shudder when the person and country we thought is closest ally would openly challenge the Opposition in his country saying he will not allow what happened in Malawi to happen in Zambia. That is a bad reference ladies and Gentlemen. It only shows how deep rooted our counterpart view Malawi and the ascendancy to power of Tonse. Violence.

On corruption, this is a biggest miss of Tonse government. There is a belief among rank and file of Tonse that blaming and arresting DPP cadres is equivalent to fighting corruption, meanwhile you create a free for all system which pales the past cashgate. The anti-corruption rhetoric is spot on, sugar coated with best accent English and mercenaries for hire to throw more mud in the past regime. The actions on same is shambolic.

Tonse Government is becoming more corrupt day by day. It’s even making DPP to look like saints and the only thing saving them is the fact that the opinion shapers of this country still hate DPP. Tonse Government has mastered the art of being corrupt and gate away with it. They are running a series ‘How to get away with Corruption and plunder’

Fortunately for Tonse, they first captured the media. Today in Malawi we have no private media house. With little exception of the Nation and few others, the major media houses are competing on how to be Tonse Media propagandist better. The Times has been reduced to being MBC 2 while ZBS is fighting for similar honors. The Media has been captured and have also become the partakers of corruption proceeds. The Covid 19 funds is a testimony to this.

As of today, Tonse Government have been embroiled in corrupt and extortion scheme of greatest magnitude which might never be concluded in their time of power. Starting from the State House Gate, the Covid 19 Fund gate, the Fuel Gate, the extortion scheme on foreign nationals especially Indians, Marep issues, awarding contracts to unqualified companies and even shambolic recruitment processes which are meant to hoodwink people. Ladies and Gentlemen, Tonse came to power based on a narrative ‘Malawi okomera tonse’. A just and good Malawi for all. As of today, there is no good nor just Malawi for all but selected few. The whole President can actually make a diabolic accusations towards an employee in a government institution that she must go as she is DPP is the lowest a country can go.

The Tonse crafters promised a new Malawi where we will prosper together. Today this idea of prospering together has become elusive and only applies to selected few. It’s very difficult to tell the kabaza people if they are prospering together with us today. The same with small scale business people who are facing tough tax impositions and being stripped of their hard earned capital. If indeed we are prospering together, I beg the government to publish the numbers of companies that has closed down and the job losses then convince me that we are indeed prospering together.

The ideology which took Malawians to heart was inclusiveness. It’s a pity that today Malawians from the Southern Region are being treated like an enemy and are called names including ‘rubble’ to justify purging them. Eventually Tonse Government is becoming more nepotistic as their predecessors, now its Chewa’s in the house. A nation is built on all its citizens who are qualified to deliver. Being a Lomwe or from southern region must not disqualify one for a position. If indeed Tonse is to be different from DPP, why then do exactly what you accused DPP of? For the first time in the history of Malawi, a government and indeed a President has demonstrated that he can make appointments based on appeasement, rewarding people, tribal and family than merit.

Analysis of the cabinet shows the shallowness of the government. In conclusion, we really need to be a nation of integrity as to create the right path for growth. We won’t derive growth through flowery PR stunts. It calls for discipline and a solid economic plan. If you really want to see that Tonse is in denial that the economy is shrinking it’s their spending it’s as if the economy is fully productive and growing. In its wisdom, Tonse doesn’t feel the need for austerity measures they still desire to build swimming pools, see the world, organize seminars and look the other side when corruption is growing each day. A progressive nation is seen in the health and happiness of its citizens.

Covid scandal is direct failure of Tonse government. The right to economic activity it’s a human right under the constitution. All victims of post fresh election riots deserve compensation. All Malawians deserve equal job opportunities as it’s their right. The harsh reality from the first year of Tonse is that Malawians are worse off than under APM. Tonse has created uncertainty and insecurity to Malawians. The dreamland it’s just but a nightmare

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  1. The foundation is bad and make no mistake, this will take us even up to 2024 still in economic guagmire. If not careful, there will informal economic tools working: money laundering, forex exchange at black markets etc will be a way of life.


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