Dear Prof Peter Mutharika,
Bingu wa Mutharika was a great man. He was the founder of DPP and the president of the Republic of Malawi. Anybody, be it a presidential hopeful, should be welcome, at any point, to use the face of the late Bingu wa Mutharika.
If anything, all DPP presidential hopefuls should be encouraged to use Bingu’s face. Bingu, despite his flaws here and there, is widely revered and perceived to be an icon of vision, symbol of development and simile of hope . You might have taken over from him, but no any national party should be seen to be a family party.
And for DPP, he is on the party’s cloth, and any member of the party or anybody can use Bingu’s face without asking for your permission.
This is why you are wholly wrong on your statement Prof. You are seen in your statement to be personalizing Bingu’s legacy. The person of Bingu transcends beyond your family.
NB: If you have a favorite candidate to take over from you, why complicating the process when you can easily ‘annoint’ the person.

the guy APM is the icon of peace and a darling to big minds, yes the true democrat. he is not the class of bloody violent kingpins who overzerously take advantage of this to intimidate him and wrestle power by trickery. look at the above poster. what does that inscription mean? “power is never given…..” this clearly shows the other side of some of these presidential aspirants. dpp officials must avoid fighting their leader if ever it wants to bounce back. the only guy who loves peace so far is APM. you can see how frustrated these other aspirants are. they are very nervous and in the process becoming aggitated and as their testasterone levels increases the little by little they become aggressive. from the look of things they have lost their hope of winning at the convention and all they want is an endorsement by the incumbent leader who happened to be the democrat. no wonder they are seeking refuge in late bingu not knowing that they are making a mistake. even APM never used bingu in his campaign posters. laz too never used kamuzu in his campaign posters. this is madness because in their frustration they are clearly showing that their is no leader in dpp and yet they chose this very same great man at a convention. he even chose this guy as the leader as the leader of opposition in parliament. NO MATTER WHAT THERE WONT BE ENDORSEMENTS this time around. get prepared to battle it out at a convention.