Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Is Onjezani Kenani an authorized person to receive secrete information from ACB?

BY Lord Denning QB.

The plot thickens….

“I, Martha Chizuma, having been appointed as a Director General of the Anti-Corruption Bureau do solemnly swear that I will not, directly, reveal the business or proceedings of the Anti-Corruption Bureau or the nature or contents of any document communicated to me or any matter coming to my knowledge in my capacity as a Director General of the Anti-Corruption Bureau and that I will well and truly perform the functions and duties of that office. So help me God”.

That is an oath of office that Martha as a Director General of the ACB took before assuming office.

This oath of secrecy is according to s.54 of the Corrupt Practices (Oath of Secrecy)Regulations.

S.54(4) Offences and penalty

Any officer or consultant in the service of the Bureau who directly or indirectly reveals to any unauthorized person or otherwise the contents of any document, communication or information whatsoever which has come to his or her knowledge in the course of his or her duties as such officer shall be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding K50,000.00 AND to a term of imprisonment of FIVE YEARS.

Says the law.

Is Anderson Mwakyelu (allegedly Orama Namalomba authorized to receive secrete information from ACB?

Is Onjezani Kenani (whom the clip indicates receives information from Martha) an authorized person to receive such information from ACB?

Is Martha Chizuma not in breach of the secrecy oath highlighted above?

From where the law is standing, someone is liable to investigations and trial here.



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