Finance Minister Sosten Gwengwe has come under fire for not allocating funds towards the construction and rehabilitation of Rumphi-Chitipa Road in his 2020 to 2023 National Budget.
Rumphi Development and Accountability Forum (RUDAF) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) has since written the Minister Gwengwe inviting him to a meeting scheduled to take place on 22nd of March, for him to explain he has not allocated funds for project.
“We are writing to express our concerns on the missing budget line for Rumphi-Chitipa road in the 2020 to 2023 budget, the slow progress on the Njakwa-Livingstonia road and our oldest hospital.
Therefore, we are inviting you to an engagement meeting to discuss above underlined development projects,” reads the invitation letter signed by RUDAF Chairperson Moir Walita and Jaih Kanyondo, the Chairperson for Rumphi CSOs.
According to the letter, failing to attend the meeting will prove that government is not concerned with Rumphi districts’ critical development needs, with that; mass demonstrations will follow to present the concerns to the president.