Five people have died due to effects of Tropical Cyclone Gombe that has hit-hard some districts in the southern part of Malawi.
The Department of Disaster Management Affairs -DoDMA indicates four of the victims were washed away when trying to cross flooded Namandanje River in Machinga and Lingamasa River in Mangochi.
It further says a 78 year old man in Mangochi died after being hit by a collapsing wall.
DODMA adds the Chikwawa-Nsanje Road has since been cut-off at Bereu and Sekeni in Chikwawa District.
Mangochi, Phalombe, Nsanje, Mulanje and Machinga are some of the districts experiencing Tropical Cyclone Gombe-induced heavy rains and floods.
Currently, district councils are conducting assessments to establish the extent of the damage.