By Solister Mogha

Zomba, Mana: Minister of Homeland Security, Jean Sendeza has asked prison authorities to create more programmes that would completely transform prisoners into productive citizens.
Speaking recently during a familiarization tour to Zomba maximum and Mpyupu prions in Zomba the minister said prisons should no longer be considered as places where people are sent to be punished for breaching the country’s laws but rather regard them as transformation centers.
The minister said she was impressed to learn during the tour that most of the country’s prisons were offering vocation skill trainings to prisoners, the development she described as progressive.
“When people come to prisons what we want is for them to be transformed so that when they get back to the society, they become productive citizens and help in building the country’s economy.
“What we will do from now onwards is to provide enough support toour prison service while at the same time develop more programmes tailored to empower prisoners to be independent citizens,” the minister said.
Sendeza said she was particularly impressed with Mpyupu prison for implementing various programmes such as pig and dairy farming.
“I have been told that some of the houses at the prison were constructed by prisoners and that, they are able to do farming and be able to feed other prisons,” she said.
According to the minister, last year, the prison managed to harvest 4,200 bags of maize that was shared with other prisons.
Commissioner of prison, Wandika Phiri hailed the minister for the visit and for always supporting the prison service.
Phiri said there were a number of programmes that the prison intends to implement and appealed for more support.