The Lilongwe Magistrate Court has released on bail former CEO for Tobacco Commission, Kaisi Sadala.
Sadala appeared before the Chief Resident Magistrate court this morning where he has also been told reasons for his arrest.
In her ruling, CRM Chimwemwe Chimwaza pointed out that the state has failed to demonstrate to court how the release of Sadala would affect investigations that the state wishes to conduct.
The court has further indicated that the accused has no flight risk and cannot interfere with witnesses during trial hence the interest of justice tilts in his favour and that he can be released on bail.
Sadala is being accused of abuse of office where between July 2018 and March 2019 while working at TC he directed the disposal of two plots belonging to the institution.
Bail conditions are that Sadala must provide a cash bond of MK500,000, two sureties bonded at 1million kwacha each non cash, must surrender his travel documents and must report to Area 30 police once every fortnight.