Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeLatestFIRST HITS OF SKC: Dr. Chilima is not stupid as MCP think

FIRST HITS OF SKC: Dr. Chilima is not stupid as MCP think

By Bashir Snr

SKC: Man of the moment

1. He was the first Black Malawian to lead Celtel, now Airtel.

2. First Malawian to jump from Corporate World straight to Vice President of DPP

3. First time under his leadership and APM destroyed an incumbent president and party (JB and PP) from opposition

4. For the first time in political history of Malawi for a new opposition party to participate in an election just after 6 months but attained position 3

5. For the first time in Malawi he masterminded the fall of DPP from power on election.

6. For the first time in Malawi he masterminded nullification of an election when a 60 years old party was crying for a recount.

In the MCP era, SKC is yet to achieve another thing for the first time… It is such inept to think SKC can just be buried without a nuclear bomb. He has all nuclear weapons for MCP in his hands and deadly ones for that matter.

He knows Chakwera by his name, he knows his son Nick by his name, he knows Sean by his name, he knows Mkaka by his name, he knows Chimwendo by his name, he knows Zangazanga by his name, in short he knows everyone in MCP and DPP by their names. Good morning



  1. Like kamlepo knew MCP, he the people mentioned who at one time will go and MCP will remain. Its absurd to equate an individual with a party. Why not saying MCP vs UTM then Chakwela vs Chilima. Olemba penapake mukadya zaeni. Clarify issues surrounding him and Corruption. 2025 has its own shape. No one knows. Tamalembani za unity and things that would bring economic freedom.


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