Human Rights Expert Undule Mwakasungula has accused Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General Martha Chizuma of being ‘too slow’ in prosecuting corruption suspects.
He made the accusations in a statement issued today saying Chizuma is focusing on media interviews rather than speedy investigations and prosecution of Sattar corruption cases.

Mwakasungula alleges that there has been slow progress in terms of prosecuting those named in the Sattar corruption allegations after President Lazarus Chakwera released a report by the ACB on June 21, 2022.
Meanwhile, the embattled ACB Director General Chizuma has refused to comment on the allegations leveled against her.
At the rate we are going, forget it that those who are alleged to have enjoyed from the Sattar spoils will be summoned for hearing in court. The reasons are inevitable; the institutions meant to take a leading role are themselves culprits, even the executive of the country is compromised. What we are seeing here is a lot of the sugar-coating antics than the real justice. But in life when it comes to a larger percentage of people getting shortchanged from their own taxes, God finds a way to punish the fraudsters. The current syndicates dipping their hands in the public coffers as if they are helping themselves on profits realised from a personal business will be asked to account for their chicanery. Everything has its origin; the origin of disciplining crooked politicians will start with this bunch of thieves. Right now there’s no chance that they will stop because they feel the stakeholders (Malawians) have literally accepted the status quo. If the tax payers was worried about what is happening there should have been a revolution in the country. Never has the country lost money in the way things are happening now. These people came into government to simply ransack and squeeze dry the monetary resources. But days are gone when one would amass wealth and stack it in foreign banks because to day we are living in a global village whereby national borders are merely observed on paper and things even move faster with modern technology whereby communication is achieved at the click of your fingers. Shortly these anomalies will be sorted out and others will learn from examples of such theives. Martha Chizuma has her hands tied. She is surrounded by hounds whose appetite is not from this world. There isn’t much she can do on her own but time will tell and very soon we will get answers. Unfortunately, those called learned people have deliberately looked away and others have folded their hands and turned themselves into onservers and not concerned citizens. The question one with integrity and soul should ask themselves is “where is the astitute patriotism if one is not prepared to help in affairs of his own nation in order to assist his poverty stricken relatives back in the village?”