Monday, February 24, 2025
HomeLatestESCOM and EGENCO are áll liars

ESCOM and EGENCO are áll liars

By Kondwani Bell Munthali

If they want power in the next 3 months, let me take them back to those energy investors they pretended they never heard of them.

They hinder new players unless they personálly benefit from it.
In 2014/15- 35 Independent power providers expressed interest tó generáte power. Mpaka pano kulibe chanzeru only JCM nawonso atavina.

Iwowa akufuna ma generator akuti azidya ndalama.

2 British companies with capacity and resources backed by UK Finance were to come:

  1. Hybrid power plant with engines from Rolls Royce.. entry points were Bwengu, Salima and Balaka. EGENCO was tó get a free 25% shares. The loan was for 30 years. UK was tó give part of the funds as a grant since it was green energy.
    For 5 years EGENCO and Government engaged the company only to change tune a month before final agreement was signed.
    Everything was finalised for signing. EGENCO knowing there wont be kickbacks came up with funny excuses not tó be part of the project. The power station could have beem running in 18 months.
  2. Solar farms. Another green energy. 100MW. UK finance was ready to finance. Nobody at ESCOM, EGENCO wanted to hear anything about it. The farms can bring power into the grid 90 days after the materials arrive. 90 days and cheap.

Both projects being green energy they were going to be cheaper than current rates.

The former président and current Président are áll aware. But have let these greedy institutions to run the country into darkness.

The reason we cant add power is simply corruption.

The two companies went into Zambia in 2021 and Benin. Their power plants and solar farms are álmost running.

The most painful thing is I introduced them to a Zambian colleague.

In Malawi we are nevér serious to get things done. The idea of unbundling ESCOM was tó improve efficiency. We only increased number of gréedy people and offices seeking bribes.

Keep crying in the dark. If you want electricíty, fire EGENCO and ESCOM management. Reshuffle Energy department and disband PML. Fire MERA officials.

Bring expatriates to run a new institution for 2 years..Magesti azayaka.

Pano alupanga ma meeting ongokalozana dzala. Tátopa tizitulutsa zonse mumakanika kuti mupange follow chifukwa palibe poti mukudya…



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