Acting Paramount Chief Kaduya on Sunday led a delegation of Mulhako Wa Alhomwe officials to meet Inkosi Gomani V at Enkosini Headquarters in Ntcheu ahead of Umhlangano Wa Maseko Ngoni slated for 2nd to 3rd September this year.
Speaking on the sideline of the visit, Acting Paramount Chief Kaduya emphasized the need of promoting unity among different tribes.
She further said development of the country depends on the peaceful co-existence of all tribes.

On his part, Inkosi Gomani V commended Paramount Chief Kaduya for visiting him, saying the gesture will cement Lhomwe and Ngoni relationship.
The word ‘Umhlangano’ means coming together and this is the time all the Ngoni of Gomani Maseko come together to celebrate their departed forefathers.
Umhlangano Wa Maseko Angoni as usual Friday started with Nkhwisulo where the Ngoni offer sacrifices to their departed forefathers.
The Maseko Ngoni of Ntcheu, Dedza, Chileka in Blantyre , Bvumbwe in Thyolo and Mwanza-Neno are the descendants of Swati people of Swaziland.