By Williams Kaponda, Concerned Citizen

Anthu ambiri ndife anzeru. Very wise and intelligent at the same time. However, the two can be measured ONLY on something we are much conversant or fully know. Competing a monkey and fish on tree climbing, fish will look a fool. Very stupid. Very useless. Similarly, having fish and monkey in water, fish will win even before the competition.
On Mussa’s matter, petitioning the courts looks like confidently searching for Mangoes in a Lemon tree. From Civics to Social Studies subjects in primary and secondary school respectively, we all know that judiciary is there only to interpret laws and legislature to make laws.
In my view, why don’t we unveil ourselves and present our petition to the legislature to abolish criminalizing Chamba following the already available campaign to legalize it in the country.
Fredokiss could’ve been a very good ambassador including concerned organizations in lobbying for legality of Marijuana as already we have Lesotho, Morocco, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa etcetera in Africa.
Something to know is, it is the discretion of the court, judge/magistrate to fine or give a custodial sentence within the set amount or lengthy of time pertaining to his/her authority. This though, is according to the evidence and facts presented in the court of law.
Let’s not hide in what you call “Selective Justice”. Because Mussa had an opportunity to the cameras and social media?
I challenge you, visit the prisons and find-out how many poor people are languishing in prisons on similar sentences. Let’s call Mussa’s issue as a case study and lobby for change of the law through the right legal channels to win.
Do you remember the issue of Rogue and Vagabond in 2015? It took one Mayeso Gwanda to challenge the constitutionality of the law after he was arrested while walking in Limbe at night.
In 2017 we were all freed from the law as Judges Sylvester Kalembera, Michael Mtambo, and Zione Ntaba said section 184 Subsection 1C “has been declared unconstitutional” arguing that it reflected discrimination in the country.
For instance, the court upon the outcry of the people reduced Mussa’s 8 year sentence to 3. We’re still not satisfied and need to proceed and petition the court. Do we need a country without laws? What precedent are we setting? Are we going to be the microscope of every judgment that comes from the courts if goes contrary to our wishes then petition it? What kind a state do we expect? Lawlessness state?
Lastly, kwa ine Fredokiss’s motivation isn’t what is being portrayed. He has a hidden agenda. Have you critically looked at FreeMussa’s poster? Who is fighting for the freedom of who? At least I agree with Kalawe.
Remove emotions pa nkhani yamalamulo. Eti poti mayi ake analira zedi!!! Amene tinapanga accounting tiyeni tiwerengere ndalama. Omwe tinapanga uphunzitsi tiyeni tiphunzitse tikwere. Olemba ndakatulo sinjani ndakatulo.
Abusa lalikirani uthenga kuti nthawi yatha. Don’t get awash by what people are posting on social media. Let’s not misuse it. Zamalamulo tisiyire anyamata a law!!