By Martin Chiwanda

Machinga, October 19, Mana: Government has bemoaned the increase of railway accidents despite efforts being made by stakeholders to reduce the same.
Deputy Minister of Transport and Public Works Nancy Chaola Mdooko made the sentiments in Machinga Tuesday when she launched this year’s Railway Safety Week.
Mdooko said despite efforts being made by different stakeholders including her ministry and those plying trade through the railway lines, things are not looking promising.
She revealed that the country registers almost two railway accidents in a month, a situation she described as worrisome as it has been the wish of the government to always register zero cases.
“As government, we are very concerned with continued cases of railway accidents. Despite intensifying awareness campaigns on the railway safety, we are still registering an average of two accidents per month. This is worrisome,” said Mdooko.
The deputy Minister however said the government and other stakeholders like Nacala Logistics have intensified awareness campaigns to make sure that such accidents should not be registered in the future.
“We are also using this Railway Safety week to intensify message dissemination to the people who are along the railway lines. This week is very crucial in in trying to bring total awareness to the communities surrounding the railway lines,” said Mdooko.
On railway infrastructure development, the deputy minister said government was very committed in revamping the rail transport by rehabilitating lines which have been idle for years.
Mdooko gave an example of Bangula–Nsandama railway line saying all the arrangements are in place to start the rehabilitation.
Nacala Logistics External affairs Specialist Joyce Malongo while concurring with the deputy minister on the rail accidents being a challenge in the country, she said vandalism has also been a challenge.
“We are equally concerned with the accidents occurring on our railway lines despite efforts we are putting in. We have managed to employ more locals along the railway lines so that they assist us in the sensitizing communities regarding the safety along the rail lines.
“Most of the accidents involve people who are mentally ill, beer drunkards and the Kabanza operators. This is worrisome on our part as service provider,” said Malongo.
This year’s rail safety week is commemorated under the theme; “Be vigilant on the tracks, trains are fast but slow to stop.” It is being commemorated from October 16 to 22.