By Hastings Yobe

Lilongwe, MANA: At least 15 students and 2 instructors at Don Bosco Youth Technical Institute in Lilongwe are expected to go for an exclusive 31-days education tour in Spain.
The tour which is a collaborative initiative between Don Bosco Technical Institute in Area 23 and European Union will see these students travel to Spain on November 12 this year.
According to a statement released on EU’s official Facebook page recently, the support is in to complement the rapid technological development taking place in the labour market such as the flexibility, adaptability and continuous learning training.
Speaking with the media, Alfredo Garmendia of San Viato International said that aim is to promote some development in the pilot initiative which will help improve relations between the European Union and African Union.
“We once travelled students from Tunisia to Finland and this time around 15 students from Malawi are going to travel to France,” said Garmedia.
The 15 who are travelling to France include 5 female students and 10 male students from Automobile Mechanics and Electrical Installation and each field will be accompanied by one teacher.
One of the students Tadala Kado Who is Studying automobile mechanics says she is happy with the trip as she will learn new skills in the profession which she believes will help to contribute to the development of the country.
“I am excited because I am going to learn new things and improve my knowledge for example fixing of electrical cars which will help in the development of the country,
I want to be an instructor to teach my fellow Malawians new things with the information which I will acquire from the trip,” said Kado.
On the same Joseph Phelatu, a job service officer at the institution says the trip will help to put the school on the world map as the students will be spotted from their fellow institutions from Europe.
“This is a great opportunity for our students to learn new things related to their trades and also to widen up their dreams and careers as mechanics and electricians,” said Phelatu.
“Travelling itself it is an opportunity to exposure to the new world and new ways of looking at things when they are back home,” Phelatu further added.

Precious Chilupsya, Vice Principal for the institution said that the trip is part of the support from the African Mobility which aims at providing training programs for students in Africa to Europe.
Don Bosco Youth Institute is located in Lilongwe and offers vocational technical training in many fields such as Automobile Mechanics, Electrical Installation, Fashion and Designing among others.