By Chilungamo Missi

Blantyre, January 21, Mana: Rays of Hope Organisation has challenged education officials in Blantyre rural to work hard and improve the Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) pass rate and selection.
Speaking on Friday during a meeting with Primary Education Advisors (PEAs) and Head Teachers in Blantyre, the organization’s Project Coordinator for Teacher Skill Strengthening Project, Ernest Kububa said teachers need to be empowered with the skills and resources that can enable them to provide right lessons to learners.
He said with the coming of Rays of Hope Organisation, Blantyre has moved from position 34 to 28 in terms of PSLCE examination performance.
In an interview, PEA for Lunzu Zone, Loveness Pendame hailed the project saying it reminds teachers of the methods and strategies they were taught in their colleges thereby complementing their teaching skills.
Blantyre District Director of Education, Youth and Sports, Paul Chiphanda said they are committed to improving standards of education in Blantyre rural.
“For instance, there will be by-laws to ensure that learners are not dropping out of school. PEAs and head teachers are also urged to work hard to have more learners selected to national secondary schools as Blantyre has only one boarding district Secondary School, Lunzu,” he said.
Apart from Blantyre district, the Organisation is implementing the project in Thyolo, Zomba, Mchinji, and Ntchisi.