Airport Developments Limited (ADL) has donated assorted supplies worth MK576, 000 to Lumbadzi Health Centre to help in the fight against Cholera at the facility
The supplies which include 10 mops, 10 tap buckets, 10 pedal dust bins and 10 washing basins were donated in response to a call Lumbadzi Health Centre made to ADL to assist them with resources that would help in containing the Cholera outbreak at the facility.
Speaking on behalf of ADL, Business Development Manager Richard Khamisa says Lumbadzi Health Centre services ADL’s employees so it was ideal that this donation comes to the facility.
“When we received the request we didn’t take it for granted as this facility benefits a lot of our employees. We wish we could do more, but at the moment this is what we could manage and we are hoping the supplies will assist in the fight against Cholera,” said Khamisa.
Lumbadzi Health Centre in-charge Maureen Magombo says the supplies will go a long way in enhancing hygiene at the facility.
“Cholera is spread due to unhygienic practices so this donation will help in enhancing hygiene at this facility which will assist in containing the outbreak. We are very thankful to ADL for the donation,” said Magombo.
Speaking on behalf of Health Advisory Committee for Lumbadzi Health Centre, Lester Kajanga thanks ADL for the timely donation and hopes this relationship will continue to flourish.
“l would like to thank ADL for this donation because on our own we couldn’t manage to buy these supplies.We hope you will continue helping us whenever we call for help and you will not get tired of us, “says Kajanga.
In addition, ADL has also donated 10 LED torches that will enhance safety for staff at the facility.
” Staff on night shift usually use torches from their phones when they are moving from one place to the other which is very dangerous. The torches will ensure their safety, and they will be able to move around the facility without difficulties” said Magombo.
Lumbadzi Health Centre services around 96980 people from Traditional Authorities Chimutu, Chitukula and Nkukula in Lilongwe district. The facility has registered 111 cases from 18th November 2020 till date. It has discharged 97 patients and registered a total of 8 deaths. Currently there are 6 patients at its Cholera camp.