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HomeLatestDr Chilima is suffering from a betrayal of clergy

Dr Chilima is suffering from a betrayal of clergy



UTM went to file “nullification of presidential election” on its own as MCP filed for recount. MCP asked for a favour, “tingabere nawo, nafenso tipange file nullification”? For the sake of Malawi we accepted, but since we were architects of “nullification” argument, we led the legal teams. We didn’t just lead, we led to a successful battle.

Having seen how Malawians loved UTM, how sharp it’s leadership was they came again, this time, for partnership. We denied, we didn’t trust MCP with an iota of trust, that was our position until the clergy came in, “you people if you deny this alliance Malawians will die in the hands of DPP, please accept, we shall ensure we monitor your agreement that betrayal doesn’t exist.” Our leader is God fearing, he accepted the route by the clergy, the clergy trusted a fellow clergyman to be upright.

They came further for manifesto, we need your manifesto for us to win, it makes a lot of sense for Malawi, for the sake of Malawi our leader gave them the manifesto. 2020 election was won on UTM manifesto and SKC and UTM gave it all for this win, for the sake of Malawi. Now, if there is a party, individual who sacrificed it all for the sake of change was SKC and UTM. We needed change, we forced SKC and UTM to comply.

Today, it’s sad that SKC was fired as cabinet minister just after one year. Second year, he was “fired” again as vice president. In all the so called “Sattar Case” it’s only SKC who is in court, fired from his position. Till this date, Kapondamgaga was never fired, neither arrested, as I write he was in UK with the president. My point is, under this leadership if there is one man suffering most is Dr. Chilima. He is suffering from a betrayal of clergy. Next time when dealing with the clergy, be cautious, there are many crooks hiding behind the pulpit.



  1. Ananyanya kulubwalubwa, if found guilty pa mulandu wakewu akaseve jere, dollar anaabayo abwezenso. This is what he was preaching during campaign

  2. Proje yönetim sistemi sayesinde müteahhidin genel gideri ve karından tasarruf edilmekte, yalnızca kontrollük teşkilatı bütçesi ile yatırım gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu hizmetler tam zamanlı bir Müşavirlik teşkilatı ile yürütülebileceği gibi, projelerin büyüklüğüne ve bütçesine göre daha ufak yapılanmalar ile de halledilebilmektedir. Ayrıca İşverenin şantiyede kurduğu organizasyonda ihtiyaç duyduğu müşavirlik hizmetleri de verilmektedir.

  3. Many a time one tends to wonder as to where the Malawi legal system stands. A couple of years back there was a stand-off between late Bingu Wa Murharika and his vice, Joyce Banda. Soon as it was known that he was about to fire her, our learned lawyers, mainly from Chancellor College, rose up to defend her. They said it was not possible to do that because the two were chosen on the same ballot, that if it meant firing her then the country should have gone for fresh presidential elections. Fast forward, the same seem to be happening between Chakwera and Chilima and yet the same learned people have chosen to bury their heads in the sand. Should we assume that there are times when laws are selective or deliberately twisted in order to suit a situation that favours certain individuals?

    Well, Chilima is a victim of his own making. That being the case, it will not help matters to start sympathising with him. There was a time when Chilima told Bryan Banda that “Apresident’wo adzisokonezedwa ndi anthu owazungulira iwo mutu wawo uli kuti?” Meaning decisions are meant to be made by an individual. So where was Chilima’s head when the clergy told him to partner with Chakwera; where has his head been for him not to make up his mind to come out of the alliance? If he is being sidelined and treated badly by his colleague, does he require the same clergy to come up and advise him the best course of action? Where is his head?

    In Chichewa there is a saying “Atambwali sametana chifukwa amaopa kuchekana” – there is or are reasons why Chilima wants to cling into an office when his services are no longer required. He could possibly be scared that if he leaves, the other side will find it easy to completely incarcerate him, or should we say he thinks it is better to fight the battles from within? Possibly that might make sense because if you remember he once suggested that the immunity exercised by the president must be removed. Unfortunately, people didn’t help him or rather ask him why he was coming up with those ideas. It is said that “Munthu akati ndikugenda, ndiye kuti mwala uli pafupi”. People should have listened and I am sure a rabbit could have come out of that strange HAT. It is never too late, Chilima can still bring out that hidden rabbit from that hat, per se. Bottom-line is that, leave alone the clergy, much as everyone knows that we are in this mess today in Malawi partly because of them.

    • If my memory serves me better, Chilima was never sacked from his position as VP. The law, not lawyers from CHANCO, says the VP can never be fired by the president. s I wonder where did you get this clause that lawyers from CHANCO protected Joice Banda. If you don’t know things don’t write lies. I REST MY CASE.


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