By Lyson Sibande

I did not know JB (Jolly Bro) until just about 3 weeks ago or thereabout; during Lulu’s trip to the United States of America (USA) and events surrounding his time there.
I wondered why people were talking so much about him. When I went to his page, he got my attention. I have tried to follow a little about his posts.
Here is my advice to our celebrities and whoever cares about their public image and reputation:
When a guy like JB comes for you, just run and hide. You don’t fight with guys like him. You cannot win. Such guys do not lose.
Do not respond; don’t say anything, just hide. That’s his battlefield. He is just too good and well-armed for that war.
He will pounce on you and bruise you without mercy and he will have so much pleasure doing it.
By the way, as a scholar, I am interested in the etymology of the word, “Mngochana.”