By Bright Malopa

Many attest to his wisdom and intellect. But Goodall had a sense of impish humor. The best of Goodall was when he was drunk. I witnessed two of those events. One with Bingu Wa Mutharika and another one with Arthur Peter Mutharika. The way he was teasing them was so hilarious. He also broke so many barriers.
During public events, he would put public officials on their tentacles as he would walk freely on the red carpet before the head of state. At one point, a team of malignant ministers reported him to Bingu.
They alleged that he was thinking of himself as a president such that he was profusely walking on the red carpet before the president.
I suspect Bingu wanted to address this in unconventional way. And so one day Bingu called for a carefully selected but closed dinner to which I was invited.
As the two got tanked up, they started cracking jokes at each other, and typical of Goodall, he would be the one to start. “So you, such a tall and handsome man, why do you allow people to call you Njanji? Imagine an intelligent person like you calling yourself chitsulo cha njanji? If you’ve run out of good names you can call yourself Goodall, will you?” We explode into laughter.
Then came Bingu, you know he is not joking, “Goodall you are just a minister. In fact you are my minister. You are not the president. Stop walking on my carpet!” He snubbed.
Somehow, Goodall realized that Bingu was being serious as he had been tipped of this complaint before by some agents.
He sipped his wine, took a deep breath, lowered his voice and said, “Your Excellency, if it bothers you that much, I shall resign as Minister of Finance.” “ Okay,” Bingu responded.
Then Goodall came back, “and I will make sure that whole country knows that the grounds for my resignation are some carpets I once walked over.“ “No, you cannot resign on those grounds” responded Bingu. “Then I shall walk over the carpet again whenever I found them.” Everyone on the table was in stitches.
Next gaffe I witnessed was with APM in 2010 at Goodall’s house in Mzuzu. This time Goodall was a host with myself, Isaac Cheke Ziba, Frank Mwenefumbo, Mganda Chiume, Catherine Gotani Hara and APM as guests.
As usual, Goodall started by picking on APM. “You, can you be president of this country? I was your prefect don’t forget that.” Responding to his jibe, APM ignored Goodall completely and started another conversation altogether.
“ Do you know Goodall was a student of John Tembo?“ “Nooo Peter, John Tembo was never my Teacher.“ responded Goodall. “Yes he was and most likely you must have failed some of his assignments,” insisted APM.
“No Peter, that is so disrespectful. I will never be John Tembo’s student.I will tell your brother that you are working with the Leader of Opposition to undermine his government. How can you say John Tembo was a teacher of his Minister of Finance? He can teach you if you want but not me. “
“Ok but I saw you attending his classes. What were you doing in his class? “asked APM. “Ok, I attended his classes but he was not teaching us. He was just telling us things “Everyone laughed.
GG as he was fondly called was a highly sophisticated individual yet humble and approachable.
He was a friend of everyone. He used his eyes, voice, smile and humor to exert his influence. He had a unique of making you feel as though your relationship with him was personal and special while in truth you were just like many who knew him and not necessarily him knowing you.
These characteristics plus wit scared a hell lot of politicians and certain clicks obsessed with regional supremacy of those who could not stand a northerner to wild such enormous influence.
Together they cobbled some lies which unfortunately convinced Bingu that Goodall was up to something. This created a rift between Bingu and Goodall. Eventually Goodall was dismissed from cabinet.
It did not take long. Credibility crisis crawled back into government. Delivery system collapsed. It did not take long before demonstrations ensued which unfortunately led to the chaos and the infamous July 20, 2011 events.
On trying to find out more about why things had changed all over a sudden, it turned out that one of the reasons had to do with his erroneous decision to fire Goodall and Goodall was not even aware.
Eventually, Bingu and Goodall reconciled and for the first time, Bingu praised Goodall in public attributing his government success during his first term to Goodall’s leadership who at this time was just an ordinary MP.
“I want you to know that without Goodall Gondwe we would never have managed to achieve some of the things we have achieved.“ Bingu told a gathering that had come to inaugurate the food silos in Mzuzu .
The following day, Goodall was appointed vice president of the DPP and eventually Minister of Energy.
Goodall was born in colonial times when evangelical work by the missionaries in the Henga Highlands was at its peak and government services were slowly beginning to reach the hinterland.
His father Kayionanga the senior was the beneficiary of this epic development who more finely inspired his children to educate themselves.
As unit , their family achieved greatness in many areas ,a feat that comes with family arrogance, pride and pompousness .
Goodall was different. He mingled with the haves and the have nots, men of his age, the born frees, the millennials and the generation Z with ease. It is not a surprise that his death has affected people of all backgrounds.
In a country fertile with envy jealous and superstition, he was the foremost character who inspired those around him to achieve their utmost.
“Iwe Gondwe!” as he would tease me, “ Iwe ndiwe mchenjezgi . Ndiwe Malopa Chaa!”
After crossing many rivers, flying over mountains seas and cities, he maintained his relationship with his God. We believe he has now gone to his Father’s house where there are many mansions for him to rest.