Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Malawi National Examination Board (Maneb) has today released the 2023 Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) and the Junior Certificate examination (JCE) results.
Maneb executive director Dorothy Nampota said out of 168 219 students that sat for JCE examinations, 122219 have passed representing pass rate of 72.65 percent, a slight decline from 73.07 percent of 2022.
Out of 267330 candidates who sat for the PSLCE exams, 234644 have passed representing 87.77 percent, an improvement from the 2022 pass rate which was 83. 24 percent.
Likoma, Phalombe, Zomba Urban, Zomba Rural, Chitipa, Mulanje, Ntchisi, Mzuzu City, Karonga and Dedza are the top ten performing districts in the JCE exams.
Nkhata Bay, Zomba Urban, Rumphi, Mzuzu City, Phalombe, Likoma, Zomba Rural, Mulanje, Dedza and Thyolo are the top ten performing districts in the PSLCE exams.
Atleast alot of students have passed the examination
excellent website
nice results
Ndikufuna ma PDF ama result a jce and pslce
Ok ok
I think we have seen real results and real performance about our examinations in Malawi
where can I get phf
That’s very interested
I need PDF for jce we are in diaspora. someone please help through pemphani199@gmail.com