Friday, March 28, 2025


Delegates attending SULOM AGM in Mangochi

Noises coming from the FAM affiliates indicate that they have been approached by a top member of Sulom who wants to contest as FAM president in the coming elections.

This comes barely 8 months after the individual campaigned for the Sulom position with a litany of campaign promises which are yet to see the light of day.

Was the Sulom manifesto that he presented merely a bunch of deliberate lies simply meant to hoodwink Sulom voters into giving him the position? Were these lies simply meant to hoodwink Super League clubs into giving him a platform for his selfish ambitions, knowing he would only be at Sulom for a few months? Were the voters aware that they were actually in effect voting for the vice as the main man for the long term? Would the voters have voted the same way if they were made aware of this man’s plans?

Sulom affiliates should feel hard done by by this development and should demand answers. They were denied the chance of voting for a committed and dedicated leader by this trickery. Now they will be forced to settle for second choice.

Sulom affiliates should call for an EGM and demand both answers and elections. And they (and all other affiliates) should amend their constitutions to ensure such trickery does not happen again. A whole body like Sulom or any other affiliate should never again be tricked into being used as a stepping stone for the advancement of selfish ambitions.

A manifesto is a document of commitment and trust. Votes are given to a candidate based on the trust that the candidate will indeed oommit to the promises made in the manifesto for the duration of the elected period.

If Sulom can maje a million promises and desert the body inly a few months into his term it means the last elective Sulom AGM was based on a lie. This was all planned. Because the question of further ambitions was put to the candidate and the candidate refused to answer.

No affiliate of Sports Council, FAM or SULOM should find this acceptable. This trickery should never ever be accepted or rewarded in sports or anywhere else.

Such people have no desire to promote sports. They are there for self-aggrandizement.



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