…Must heal and unite
By Lyson Sibande

I don’t think Democratic Progressive Party-DPP needs to take advantage of the Court Order of extension of time to hold the convention later.
Of course, there are costs and benefits to holding the convention at either time – now or later. But the benefits of holding the convention now outweigh the costs – at least from where I am standing.
The extension of the convention will simply give DPP more time to fight and disintegrate further. The enemies will now have time to regroup and re-strategize.
Holding the convention now, regardless of the time constraints, could give DPP a chance to start healing, reunite and rebuild. Otherwise, DPP does not have time.
You see, there will be a lot of post-convention trauma. The convention is likely to bring more cracks, more fights and frustrations than there are now.
The party would need adequate time between the post-convention trauma and campaign period to heal, eradicate the factions and unite for the 2025 campaign.
Otherwise, by holding the convention closer to the campaign time, DPP will risk going to elections as a disintegrated party that is fighting enemies within and enemies outside the party.
There is no way DPP will win 2025 while fighting with itself and MCP at the same time. Hold the Convention now, heal and unite, and face one enemy in 2025.