Leader of the Opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa says the party’s decision to boot out members who have stayed with the party during difficult period from area, constituency, district and region is regrettable and defies common logic since tenures of office for all DPP members from top to bottomn expired long time ago and now all positions are operating on ‘borrowed time.’
Nankhumwa was speaking today at a press briefing he held at his Luchenza residence in Thyolo district.
In his remarks, Nankhumwa appealed to the party officials who are advocating for the removal of these party stalwarts to stop it because that will bring chaos and confusion in the party.
“There are questions that members are asking. For instance, from where are the people organizing and those that will preside over these elections drawing their powers? What source of authority do they possess?
“If the tenures for leaders at area, constituency, district and regional levels elapsed, who remains legitimately in power, especially considering that all leadership positions in this party were chosen at the same time in 2018? Does this not indicate that all leaders have lost their authority?,” asked Nankhumwa.

Nankhumwa said that the trajectory is unacceptable; that it would bring about untold chaos and must not be pursued.
Nankhumwa further said that the aim behind the move is to push out some members of the party so that they must not compete for positions at the forthcoming National Convention.
“It is sad because the party that ought to have been promoting intra-party democracy is now at the forefront stifling the right and freedom of members to compete for positions they want, or are eligible for.
“Therefore, I wish to urge the concerned senior leaders of the DPP to abandon any idea of removing people from their positions. If they do not heed this advice, I implore all those currently in leadership positions within the party at the levels I have mentioned earlier not to permit anyone to enter their areas with the intention of influencing the election,” said Nankhumwa.
Reports indicate that DPP is to fire all members from area, constituency, district and region for their terms have expired. But the party’s constitution also indicates that even the positions of party president, secretary general and all members of National Governing Council expired long time as it is a five period.