Leader of Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN) Apostle Dr. Mc Hellings Nyirongo says all is set for the church’s most prestigious annual Crossover Night event.
The Crossover Night is CFCAN’s biggest annual event where all church members and Malawians converge to end a year and begin another together.
According to Apostle Dr. Nyirongo, the crossover night will be held on December 31 at CFCAN headquarters in Mzuzu City under the theme; “Night of God’s Winds”.
Apostle Nyirongo further said the crossover night will be characterized with prophecies, healing and deliverance.
“The cross over night aims at embracing New Year and the future by pledging our lives to worship and glorify the only one true God.”

“ We will pray for God’s presence and guidance to guarantee the holy life and fruitful future as God Himself will go ahead of us and watch over us every time,”
Apostle Dr. Mc Nyirongo is well known in Malawi and across the globe for his accurate prophecies, miracles healing and deliverance.
He was called and sent by Jesus Christ Himself and he does what others cannot do except they have Holy Ghost too.
For further esquires call or whatsapp Christ Fellowship Church for All Nations (CFCAN) on +265997314371/-0992526825 0r email via cfcanchurch122014@gmail.com.