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HomeLatestLANDMARK RULING ON SKC POLITICAL FUTURE: Court to deliver preliminary issues today

LANDMARK RULING ON SKC POLITICAL FUTURE: Court to deliver preliminary issues today

Justice Professor Redson Kapindu is at around 9:30 this morning expected to rule on a very sensitive case that will not only shape the political journey for the Dr Saulosi Klaus Chilima but also test how Malawi Defence Forces classified information can be shared to the public.

The State is accusing Chilima of demanding and receiving huge sums of money from UK based Malawian business tycoon Zuneth Sattar to influence contract awards.

Justice Kapindu from Financial Crimes Division is expected to decide whether the Malawi Defence Force can release so called classified information that the defence team led by former Attorney General Kalekeni Kaphale demanded to be part of disclosures among others for fair trial as enshrined in the constitution.

In his submission, Kaphale who is being assisted by lawyers Bright Theu and Khumbo Soko is asking the court to compel the State to release defense council minutes.

But the State through Attorney General’s office is arguing that information is classified and can not be subject to the public consumption because it carries security notes.

However, the defence says that without such information their client is deprived of fair trial which is the corner stone in any criminal case and that if the State fails to do so, the case must be dismissed with costs.

Last year, Kapindu summoned, MDF, AG, ACB and the defence team in his chamber to hear their arguments on the matter and the ruling is today.

Chilima political life is hanging if the court finds that he is guilty, Parliament may commence impeachment proceedings that may see his political life shattered for life.

Apart from this, Chilima is also facing another constitutional case where he is expected to be barred by the Malawi Electoral Commission after he had served his two consecutive terms in the presidency.



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