Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeLatestMaranatha Academy at it again! Bails out St Michaels' Needy Genius

Maranatha Academy at it again! Bails out St Michaels’ Needy Genius

Barely a day after Maranatha Academy granted a four-year scholarship to a 15-year-old student from Kasungu Bizwin David, it has now extended its corporate social responsibility to Olive Kainga.

Kainga a former learner at Blantyre Girls Primary School, passed with As in all subjects and was selected to St Michaels Girls Secondary School in Mangochi.

Although she attended the first term, the young genius was withdrawn on financial grounds and her parents couldn’t manage the fees.

When the Managing Director of Maranatha Academy, Ernest Kaonga saw pictures of the girl circulating on the internet, he followed up and found the needy student.

Olive Kainga, is now under full scholarship courtesy of Maranatha Academy.

“We cannot afford to lose this brilliant girl. She did her part during the Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) examination by passing with As in all subjects that’s unquestionable brilliance, now to hear that such a girl has been withdrawn from school, we at Maranatha Academy took action.

“We have stepped in to offer the girl a full scholarship. We will pay her fees, meet her expenses (pocket money) and if she qualifies for public university we promise to even meet her university fees. These are future leaders and Maranatha Academy is here to support the government to have a well-educated nation,” said Kaonga.

Speaking to MBC, Ajassi Jawadu, from Malindi in Mangochi said the time has come for the corporate world to increase its footprint in resolving challenges in various societies.

“Maumboni ochuluka ndiye akuperekedwadi that’s the way to go Maranatha Academy let others emulate,” said Jawadu.

Maranatha Academy has lately increased its corporate citizenship. It was the official sponsor of both the 2023 MBC Zokonda Amayi Macheza and the MBC 2023 Entertainers of the Year Awards.

Maranatha Academy Managing Director Ernest Kaonga


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