Sky Energy Africa, a tech-driven, clean, and renewable energy company on Saturday launched a K5 million worth project dubbed ‘green earth’ to restore Michiru Mountain nature sanctuary in Blantyre which has been deforested at an alarming rate.
Speaking during the launch, founder and managing director for Sky Energy Africa, Schizzo Thomson, expressed concern of the rampant deforestation in the forest reserve, saying trees play a pivotal role in the environment.
He said that off late they have seen a video clip circulating that shows the devastating nature of the sanctuary due to wanton cutting of trees, a situation which has forced the company to embark on the afforestation drive.
“Sky Energy resonates with the environment; we thought it wise to create this initiative whereby we can restore trees and try to bring back the nature sanctuary.
Today we are planting two thousand trees since it is the first phase, and we will come back with another phase under this initiative in the next rainy season,” said Thomson
Edna Mnyenyembe, Assistant District Forestry Officer hailed the partnership asserting that it will help to reclaim the lost glory of forests in the city as they target planting 1 million trees this season.
About 300 villagers who took part in the tree planting exercise received 10 kilograms of maize flour each from Sky Energy Africa.