By Thumbiko Nyirongo

Blantyre District Health Office (DHO) has hailed BEAN Medical Centre for complementing government efforts in providing high-quality healthcare services to the people.
Blantyre DHO’s Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Hawa Mtitimila made the remarks on Friday during the official opening of BEAN Medical Centre in Ndirande Township, Blantyre.
According to Dr. Mtitimila, Blantyre DHO and BEAN Medical Centre will work hand in hand in providing health care services to people in Ndirande and surrounding areas.
“Blantyre as a district has a total population of about 1.3 million people against a total number of 35 public health facilities; So the coming in of BEAN Medical Centre will have us to reach the population,” said Dr. Mtitimila

She added that Blantyre DHO will work hand in hand with the facility in making sure that people are receiving high-quality healthcare services.
On his part, Ndirande Health Centre In-charge Aleck Asima described the coming in of BEAN Medical Centre as a ‘shot in the arm’ in as far as high-quality healthcare services delivery is concern in the Ndirande Township.
Dr. Francis Makiya, the co-director for BEAN Medical Centre, said the facility which believes in ubuntu/uMunthu concept exists to offer high-quality healthcare services to communities around Ndirande and other areas.

“We are because you are, we at BEAN Medical Centre we believe in Umunthu, our aim is to provide high high-quality healthcare services to people, we want to reach to many people as possible,” said Dr. Makiya
BEAN Medical Centre, according to Dr. Makiya the outpatient clinic, among others offers mental health; reproductive health services targeting males and other health related services at a reasonable price.

Bean Medical Center (BMC) is located along Ndirande Ring Road Near Kachere CCAP, Opposite Madalo Stage, Blantyre.