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HomeLatestCFE engages journalists, CSOs on Freedom of Expression

CFE engages journalists, CSOs on Freedom of Expression

Mbwana: Access to information, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are key components for an effective democracy

The Campaign for Free Expression (CFE) in collaboration with Youth and Society (YAS) and the Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), is today Thursday, February 29 hosting a consultative meeting with journalists and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

The meeting is expected to take place at Cross Roads Hotel in Lilongwe, according to a media statement made available to this publication.

Among others, journalists and CSOs will discuss issues that hinder and challenge their work in the country.

Campaign for Free Expression Project Manager Thokozani Mbwana said those issues include the Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP–legal action aimed at silencing journalists and other critics) and freedom of expression.

“As the 2025 Malawi General Elections draw closer, it is crucial to strengthen the networks within free media and civil society to deal with the surge in freedom of expression issues and violations.

“Access to information, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are key components for an effective democracy that allows for informed and engaging public participation where a free media and robust civil society is necessary for that,” said Mbwana in a statement

Among the key speakers at the meeting are Charles Mhone, Managing Partner at Maxson Arnold and Associates, who will tackle SLAPP suits, providing a broad overview of what SLAPPs are, their impact on individuals facing them and greater society as well as ways to deal with them.

Journalists, Peter Jegwa and Martines Naming alongside Mallick Mnela, Journalism Innovator and Director of iHubOnline will also speak at the meeting alongside Anton Harber, the Executive Director of Campaign for Free Expression.



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